I think my girlfriend broke up with me. She hasn't returned my call or email. Which I'm surprisingly I'm comfortable with. Now my question is how do I get my book back from her?
I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I bought WAY too much...I'm a sucker for Aeropostale, and it was 65% off. I got 5 shirts, a hoodie, a jacket, 2 pairs of pants, and 2 belts for $120 (which is so cheap).
Me and my boyf opened our own tattoo/piercing studio at the begining of this year after working for a couple of ungratefull bastards for many years prior.
I dont know what you know about opening shops but its not as easy as you'd think. firstly is the estate agents fees then solicitors then the landlords...then there is the council to deal with and they make fees up as they go along... When we started doing the shop up and kitting it out we wrote to the council to ask if we needed planning permission to tattoo and pierce in the said shop as it was classed as a A1 RETAIL shop. they said no as long as members of the public could not see the tattoo/piercing taking place. So we spent a fortune getting the place how we wanted it and how 'they' would be happy. Anyway. 6 months later..... 'they' have changed their minds and do need us to get planning permission as tattooing/piercing is not retailing and we are in breach of planning and therefor breaking the law and can be shut down. we argued this obviously as theyd said it was ok before. In order to get planing permission we need to get a solicitor to fill out loads of forms (more money) stock the shop with loads of retail merchanidise (more money) and also re arrange the shop (even more money and hassle) Pay over 250 for applying and all this for them just to say NO! they dont want a tattoo shop in this town. And of course we are still dealing with customers and trying to make a living inbetween all this. Ive got the local papers involved as i feel we are being victimised. They agree and we are appealing as we speak. Im sure we'll be fine in the long run but you see why i hate the council so much!!!! oh and in the meantime they still charge us extortionate business rates/trade waste/clinical waste... AAAGGGGGHHHHHH!
ok rant over....you did ask!! (and this is the short version)
and your temporature will be taken with my fist in your rectum If you work for the council i wont use lube. hehe
I've got five: IXOYE (Greek word for "fish" which is an acronym standing for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior"; raha, haki, and penzi (Swahili for joy, truth, and love, respectively); and "I Am", which is another name for God.
Yeah, you're definitely right...the economy is not on my side at all. Especially with the way gas prices have skyrocketed lately. I keep having to spend more and more just for the damn essentials.
You know I don't know what worse... The fact that the left half of my face is paralyized or that my trip to ER makes me pray beyond all that is holly I never end up there after an abulance ride. As I'll most likely bleed to death while waiting for a doctor or nurse, but know how fast the Administration Rep will show up... Read More
Does anyone miss the Erotic movies that I speak of? It's only been recently that I've seen them in their Theatrical cut as opposed to the Cinemax/Cable version I grew up watching as a kid at 2am in the morning.
no...the book i have is called 'life in ropes' and its illistrated. I cant find it at the moment to get his name. its very erotic. will let ya know as soon as i remember.
Well I finally viewed Eon_Mckai 's Art School Sluts . Overall it was a good Porno movie and if that is a first attempt at shooting a porn, then wow I can't wait to see "Kill, Girl, Kill". The segue to the sex scenes were tongue and cheek (or other anatomy if you prefer). You got to love a movie that has a line complaining... Read More