Saturday May 15, 2004 May 14, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email how is everyone today??? hopefully not as ill as me (self inficted) was bored so i thought id put a few of my recent college photos up only 2 weeks to go thanking god maroonstar: College. I have 3 weeks to go, then I can finally sleep. I miss sleeping. It's almost 6 AM. I should be writing a paper. *sigh* May 23, 2004 abigail_silk: hey, thanks for commenting..... your photography's pretty neato, i'm a bit of a photog's just a hobby though. i havent done it in awhile. that the brit version of high school? ...cause i know university is college in UK tongue. May 25, 2004 that the brit version of high school? ...cause i know university is college in UK tongue.