I realized the other day I've hardly been around here lately. Somehow a couple months went by and I hardly said "boo" to anyone. (Still stopped by now and then to look at a set. . . but there was never enough time to really enjoy said set. . . if ya know what I mean!
And then I realized that I really missed this place and all of its general debauchery and good times, and I missed some of the friends I've made on here. So, I'll save you all the sputtering and simply say that I'm back and hope to keep up with all of you gorgeous, fine folk, more thoroughly than I have been.
With that said, I want to know what everyone has been up to lately. I've checked blogs, but some of you are as bad about updating as I am! How has life been treating everyone?
And, I want to extend an invite to all of the lovely SGs and members who may reside in the Livermore area (haha) to come by and see me, meet me, shake my hand, whatever on Thursdays out here at the Farmer's Market. You can get more info about it at my website at Designs By A Hummingbird. I'm the weird looking one. Need I say more?
Okay, must be off to put some food in my belly, I promise to be back soon! (pinkey swear)

And then I realized that I really missed this place and all of its general debauchery and good times, and I missed some of the friends I've made on here. So, I'll save you all the sputtering and simply say that I'm back and hope to keep up with all of you gorgeous, fine folk, more thoroughly than I have been.
With that said, I want to know what everyone has been up to lately. I've checked blogs, but some of you are as bad about updating as I am! How has life been treating everyone?
And, I want to extend an invite to all of the lovely SGs and members who may reside in the Livermore area (haha) to come by and see me, meet me, shake my hand, whatever on Thursdays out here at the Farmer's Market. You can get more info about it at my website at Designs By A Hummingbird. I'm the weird looking one. Need I say more?
Okay, must be off to put some food in my belly, I promise to be back soon! (pinkey swear)
You must have one of those 'real life' things that all the kids are going on about these days