It's been a while.
Picture time!
Here's a pic of me getting my owlie tattoo finished by the lovely Brian Hutflies of Braindrops. This was at the tattoo convention at the Cow palace in September.

Also, of GREAT importance, I have joined the Pleasanton Craft Mafia! Check it out! Pleasanton Craft Mafia
There will be two sales coming up in December and I will be selling at both of them
Well, I hope you are all healthy and happy and staying out of trouble (okay, the last part's negotiable!)
Picture time!
Here's a pic of me getting my owlie tattoo finished by the lovely Brian Hutflies of Braindrops. This was at the tattoo convention at the Cow palace in September.

Also, of GREAT importance, I have joined the Pleasanton Craft Mafia! Check it out! Pleasanton Craft Mafia
There will be two sales coming up in December and I will be selling at both of them

Well, I hope you are all healthy and happy and staying out of trouble (okay, the last part's negotiable!)

i lust you!