I love this picture so much, and thanks to Ryan, I am now able to share it with you fuckers. The kid in the pictures name is Nev, circa 1981 London. Strenghth through Oi! I wonder where Nev is nowadays.
Fourth if July was pretty uneventful, but appriciated all the same. I hung around the house until about 11pm reading "Under the Black Flag" (bascially a text book of pirates), when a girlfriend of mine decided to drag me out of the house for a little get together.
We ended up at the parents house of an old friend of mine; a big, beautiful, art-deco style home with a wall made exclusively of windows, over looking the Columbia River Gorge. We sat and ate brie and apples, talked politics, listened to Grandaddy. It was perfect.
We talked about how much we hated George W. Bush and how the huge deal made over Reagans death was only to gain sympathy for the Republican party. Do you think Jimmy Carter would have had such a to- do over his death? Fuck no. Then someone had to play the predictable and naive, "great art and music came as a result of Reaganomics... blah blah" card.
I talked about how much I hated the fourth of July as a holiday, eventhough I thank my lucky stars we gained independence from those limey bastards. A few friends
tried to probe deeper
into my distain for independence day, like there was some hidden political agenda behind what I was saying, but I simply stated:
"I think it is absolutely preposterous for our city council to spend a quarter of a
million dollars on explosives, just to have the port catch on fire year after year and to put on a show for degenerates that actually get excited over fireworks. I think its a shame that children and drunk morons end up in the hospitals with blown off hands,
celebrating an independence they don't appriciate. "
I'm an American, not a patriot.
Explosives are fun, blow shit up everyday.
Don't use one day out of the year to celebrate your independence, just to bitch about the government the next day. Holidays are rediculous anyway.
"Anti- independence" Day parties are fucking retarded. The 4th is to celebrate our Indepence from England, not our love of the American way of life. Go have an anti- independence day in Canada. And fucking vote.
haha. Long live Santa Clause.
x is cool though. x rock.
I've smoked too many damn cigarettes to run away as quickly as I should.