First off hello its been WAAAAAAAAAAY too long but I have been so busy
finally got an apartment with one of my friends and its set in stone march 20th is the move in date

ok so what have I been doing?
collecting unicorn gifts

that pin was a gift

hanging with awesome peeps

this is me gawking at my bff child (not so into kids)

working and sometime getting dressed up for it

actin a fool

PANDA TOTEM my friends say I look like a panda sometimes the way I do my eye makeup
and just being a camera whore as usual

My car died afte having it for 8 YEARS!!! I was sad but I can't complain I got her a long time ago for 3 grand and never did anything but matience finally her transmission gave out RIP THE BEAST

hey did you know I love unicorns

and what you all have been waiting for NAKED TIME

COuld you imagine what it would be like if my legs were on your shoulders?

now you can

not trying to be greedy but just thought you guys should know I updated my wishlist

stay awesome!
Looking great sweetheart 
