looks like we got adopted here in costa rica
someone found us
I am calling him "bones"
due to the fact that every bone in his skeleton is visible through his skin
i figure he has worms, and isn't fed regularly so hopefully after a couple weeks he fattens up
funny story how this came about...
We had seen this dog roaming about and a couple people around town had told us to feed said dog, they claimed the pooch was really sweet, and needed someone to take care of it.
Being that this is a new country to be in, and just moving into a house that was vacant for quite some time it wouldn't be the worst idea ever to feed a big hound dog, that could possibly, in the future, be an alarm system.
Having arrived and getting settled in we had seen this dog wandering around.
and last night I heard a dog barking outside
so being excited I ran outside whistling for our new pup to come home
so keep in mind costa rica is dark
and I can't see anything
then said barking prospect
comes bounding up the stairs
also keep in mind, I haven't met this dog nor seen him up close
and he was barking
so here I am on a porch with a gigantic dog running full speed at me in costa rica
im scared
but thankfully, he puts on the brakes and wags his tail
i tell him to wait a second, go inside, and come out with a plate of food that he inhales immediately
after feeding i figure its time to get aquainted
i pet him, and when i stop he softly places a paw on my leg
well simply put, i fell in love
one thing leads to another and Bones is now my personal project in Costa Rica
he came up on the porch today who knows at what time
i fed him hung around outside for a bit with him
and that would be the story....
someone found us

I am calling him "bones"
due to the fact that every bone in his skeleton is visible through his skin
i figure he has worms, and isn't fed regularly so hopefully after a couple weeks he fattens up
funny story how this came about...
We had seen this dog roaming about and a couple people around town had told us to feed said dog, they claimed the pooch was really sweet, and needed someone to take care of it.
Being that this is a new country to be in, and just moving into a house that was vacant for quite some time it wouldn't be the worst idea ever to feed a big hound dog, that could possibly, in the future, be an alarm system.
Having arrived and getting settled in we had seen this dog wandering around.
and last night I heard a dog barking outside
so being excited I ran outside whistling for our new pup to come home
so keep in mind costa rica is dark
and I can't see anything
then said barking prospect
comes bounding up the stairs
also keep in mind, I haven't met this dog nor seen him up close
and he was barking
so here I am on a porch with a gigantic dog running full speed at me in costa rica
im scared
but thankfully, he puts on the brakes and wags his tail
i tell him to wait a second, go inside, and come out with a plate of food that he inhales immediately
after feeding i figure its time to get aquainted
i pet him, and when i stop he softly places a paw on my leg
well simply put, i fell in love
one thing leads to another and Bones is now my personal project in Costa Rica
he came up on the porch today who knows at what time
i fed him hung around outside for a bit with him
and that would be the story....

awwww!! sweet story and what a cute dog !