this picture is amazing
it just is
it feels raw
the world is working
in a weird and wonderful way
and everything is feeling magical
Onto life
my funny little thing
work has been so amazing
I get along with everyone there so well... the jokes are never ending
although I think like 4 people are digging me.... and I won't shit where I eat ever again
keep away from staff
I went out again with some work peoples
we watched movies and drank copious amounts of booze
I shouldn't but I do...
we live once right
I keep telling myself that
nyc SOON!!!
I can't wait
also on July 12 someone is going to be nakkkkkked
also this is epic and my favorite end scene EVER
go out the right way kids
just saying
and now for something completely different
haha. i don't even think we'll be able to spend that much money in the time you're here.
that's a lot of boozin.
apparently Coney Island is closing down. the whole amusement park thing. it's a long complicated story of owners and buyers and leasers and shit.
regardless, theres a very good chance that this is the last summer it'll be around for.
so its something to keep in mind.