got a new pussy
and as in pussy I mean cat
pictures coming soon
I promise
her name is Boo
she was adopted from the shelter
in the past three days she has already come to know me as mom
she is terrified of ceiling fans and the tv
loves to climb on everything
and says hello when I walk into a room
I am in love
she is all white
with a green eye and a blue eye
I swear I am going to grow old and become that cat lady one day
if you want an animal
please adopt
I can't tell you how great it feels
to adopt a scared little furball and in three days time
she trusts me with her whole life
(I am sure the chicken helped)
I am so sad right now it hurts
I wrote that this morning and when I came home from work she had jumped out of the second story window through a screen she is no where to be found!
I put signs up stating a reward and my phone number and called the shelter where I got her from because she has a micro chip.
I am so sad I can't even explain it
she doesn't even have a a tag yet I had a vet appointment tom, so I could register her and everytthing
I havn't one picture of her yet.
my day is ruined
and as in pussy I mean cat
pictures coming soon
I promise
her name is Boo
she was adopted from the shelter
in the past three days she has already come to know me as mom
she is terrified of ceiling fans and the tv
loves to climb on everything
and says hello when I walk into a room
I am in love
she is all white
with a green eye and a blue eye
I swear I am going to grow old and become that cat lady one day
if you want an animal
please adopt
I can't tell you how great it feels
to adopt a scared little furball and in three days time
she trusts me with her whole life
(I am sure the chicken helped)
I am so sad right now it hurts
I wrote that this morning and when I came home from work she had jumped out of the second story window through a screen she is no where to be found!
I put signs up stating a reward and my phone number and called the shelter where I got her from because she has a micro chip.
I am so sad I can't even explain it
she doesn't even have a a tag yet I had a vet appointment tom, so I could register her and everytthing
I havn't one picture of her yet.
my day is ruined