Okay; so I made a quick lil' slideshow video of my trip to Vegas,
had a load of pics., but just wanted to show the highlights!!
These are some of the places we went to here n there!!
{Let it Buffer; it runs smooth!!}
My Niece and her friends were always a lil' pissy w/ me;
I'd walk around the casino floor {no matter where we were} and
I'd feel the neck of the chair to decide weather I wanted to play,
that's how I won all the time!! Put in a $20, walk away w/ $60. LoL
Don't ask me how that worked; it just did, but I always broke even before leaving!!
Had a blast of a time!!
Love to All !!

~ Richard
had a load of pics., but just wanted to show the highlights!!
These are some of the places we went to here n there!!
{Let it Buffer; it runs smooth!!}
My Niece and her friends were always a lil' pissy w/ me;
I'd walk around the casino floor {no matter where we were} and
I'd feel the neck of the chair to decide weather I wanted to play,
that's how I won all the time!! Put in a $20, walk away w/ $60. LoL
Don't ask me how that worked; it just did, but I always broke even before leaving!!
Had a blast of a time!!
Love to All !!

looks like such a fun trip!
so cool, and I love you more for putting an Elvis song on it.
I've never been to Vegas.