The other day; I seen the most beautiful thing, made me a lil' misty ... sorta!
My Sister Vals horse {Miss Priss} is only two years old; living by herself for a bit,
but Val wanted to change that.
Her friend Tracy has a few horses; and was going to let one roam w/ Miss P..
Cheif {23yrs M} was the canidate; but he's used to Lady {7-8yrs F}, now heres the story......
They brought Cheif down with Lady; BIG MISTAKE, as soon as Lady started to leave,
Cheif went Ape Shit!! He was hoofing; he was nagging, he ran towards the back where the trees were and galloped FULL FORCE towards us {Me being a City boy nearly Shit Bricks!!}
I actually saw a horse cry; it really touched me, I got a lil' misty too!! We had no choice but to bring him out and take him back to Lady.
So; That was my Monday, How is everyone elses week going so far?!?

~ Richard
My Sister Vals horse {Miss Priss} is only two years old; living by herself for a bit,
but Val wanted to change that.
Her friend Tracy has a few horses; and was going to let one roam w/ Miss P..
Cheif {23yrs M} was the canidate; but he's used to Lady {7-8yrs F}, now heres the story......
They brought Cheif down with Lady; BIG MISTAKE, as soon as Lady started to leave,
Cheif went Ape Shit!! He was hoofing; he was nagging, he ran towards the back where the trees were and galloped FULL FORCE towards us {Me being a City boy nearly Shit Bricks!!}
I actually saw a horse cry; it really touched me, I got a lil' misty too!! We had no choice but to bring him out and take him back to Lady.
So; That was my Monday, How is everyone elses week going so far?!?

Thanks for the comment on my set 

whoops, double