Well; I made it to my destination, {Midway Utah} @6ish GMT last night.
Boy oh boy was the trip funn; I had decent space thru~out {on a Greyhound no less a miracle!!},
but on the last bus there was this drunk guy {& there's always one}, he just would NOT STFU!!!
I am looking forward to relaxing for a day; before we start w/ the bounce~house stuff, but that depends on the weather here! So; Hello, to ALL my Lovelies ... I made it okay!!

~ Richard
Boy oh boy was the trip funn; I had decent space thru~out {on a Greyhound no less a miracle!!},
but on the last bus there was this drunk guy {& there's always one}, he just would NOT STFU!!!
I am looking forward to relaxing for a day; before we start w/ the bounce~house stuff, but that depends on the weather here! So; Hello, to ALL my Lovelies ... I made it okay!!