NEW WEEK ... Is it gonna be a good one or a whacked one?!?
Here's something to contemplate for the week:
Do we really have a say in how our futures are shaped; or is it all set in stone!?!
I like to think of it like this; does anyone know of the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' book series, if not read a lil' here: About the books.
You read a chapter or two; then had a few choices on where to go within the story, you chose your own path based on previous decisions and so on!
I feel that way about life; deep down inside, somewhere even deeper than that lil' voice in us, is a being reading out our life as it occurs. We can faintly hear them; but when it gets to that 'Choose Your Own'; that's exactly what we do!!
What do you think?!?

~ Richard
Here's something to contemplate for the week:
Do we really have a say in how our futures are shaped; or is it all set in stone!?!
I like to think of it like this; does anyone know of the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' book series, if not read a lil' here: About the books.
You read a chapter or two; then had a few choices on where to go within the story, you chose your own path based on previous decisions and so on!
I feel that way about life; deep down inside, somewhere even deeper than that lil' voice in us, is a being reading out our life as it occurs. We can faintly hear them; but when it gets to that 'Choose Your Own'; that's exactly what we do!!
What do you think?!?

thank you :-)
Thanks for your comment and support in my new set Love-Life