It's a New week; a New day, Crunch Time is ON for the big move in a couple weeks !!
I hope EVERYONE on here; and the rest of the unfortunates whom aren't,
have a wonderful remainder of the month !! I'll be on here & there; checking out new hopefuls and friends blogs, but this will be my last blog post for a while. {Prob. til' the 28th or so ...}
So; I Love You All, Don't be timid ... Drop me a Line Anyway !!!

~ Richard
Off To Work I Go !!!!

I hope EVERYONE on here; and the rest of the unfortunates whom aren't,
have a wonderful remainder of the month !! I'll be on here & there; checking out new hopefuls and friends blogs, but this will be my last blog post for a while. {Prob. til' the 28th or so ...}
So; I Love You All, Don't be timid ... Drop me a Line Anyway !!!

Off To Work I Go !!!!

Thanks for all the Lovenzz on my set!!!! Have another going into MR on the 20th of this month too!!!! <3
So which dwarf are you?