No Lights
There are no city lights here.
Just the wind, hair blown across.
Kisses delicate touch in memory.
The stars lounge alone, there are no city lights here.
The glass is empty.
Just the wind, lungs inhale the wisps.
Smoke rings, ephemeral seizures into fantasy.
The dark hues of purple no longer reflect green, the glass is empty.
The orchestra stops.
Just the wind, blood spurt clouds blur the rest.
Falling down, the crunch of bone and concrete.
The smell of warm brass, the orchestra stops.
copyright me...

There are no city lights here.
Just the wind, hair blown across.
Kisses delicate touch in memory.
The stars lounge alone, there are no city lights here.
The glass is empty.
Just the wind, lungs inhale the wisps.
Smoke rings, ephemeral seizures into fantasy.
The dark hues of purple no longer reflect green, the glass is empty.
The orchestra stops.
Just the wind, blood spurt clouds blur the rest.
Falling down, the crunch of bone and concrete.
The smell of warm brass, the orchestra stops.
copyright me...