Thanks to @rambo and @missy
1- I'm suuuuuuupa petite! 150cm
2- I was born in a smallish country: Andorra, localized in the Pirineus, between Spain and France (yup, most of the people always ask me where is)
3- I speak Spanish, French, Catalan (official language of Andorra), Portuguese, I try my best with the English and right now I learn Russian too! :) (AND I still want to learn more languages ahah)
4- I can do the three leaf clover with my tongue
5- I'm afraid of chickens!
6- I've practiced swimming for 9/10 years and cello for 1year and now I practice the same exercise of the Sloths
7- I use glasses TO SEE and not for style or wtvv
8- When I'm high, I'm moreeeee social ahah
9- I love green tea
10- I'm too dumb with the technologies
My new set Lovely Bloodflow still in MR, waiting for all your love! Let's put a smile on MY face <3 (and a thousand thanks for all your support! you guys are awesome!)