Had a couple of shoots in DC over the weekend. And I was supposed to do this part for a certain movie (which I hesitate to name because I feel I've jinxed it for myself already. For the 3rd time, though, the guy making the movie has come up with a "change of plans" at the last minute. I'm having serious doubts about this one...even wondering if it's a game of some sort. It's not like I'll be broken hearted if I'm not in the movie...I think I'll survive! I've never had any dreams of being a "star".
Unless, of course, I could make a billion dollars in one fell swoop!
And this other (Wiccan) movie (a You-Tube thing) is supposedly almost ready to go up. Ever notice how when you talk about things before they actually happen they have a way of just not happening?
Oh, well...
Anyway, the shoots went well. Still waiting on the pics from those. Will post some when I have them! One of these took place at a really cool hotel called the Helix in DC which the photgrapher paid for! He even took us out and bought us drinks...a really sweet guy! This hotel was sooooo cool. It was decorated like the 60's and had all kinds of wild colors and decorations and stuff. Finding it was a bit of a problem...driving in DC is hell on earth! But, after getting lost in some really ritzy looking neighborhood, we finally made it and had a great time! While we were there we went out for Ethiopian food (Saturday night). It was even better than I thought it would be. And the fun thing was you had to eat it all with just your fingers!
I wish there was an Ethiopian place here. I can make some of the dishes, but they're time consuming!
I know, I don't write much on here lately, but I just seem to hit these "ruts" where I absolutely hate writing! And, also, I find myself too busy most of the time these days! Asides from modeling, I've been helping a neighbor pack to move. In return she's given me some cool stuff like art supplies and a cabinet. Gonna miss her!
Lets see...I have a couple more shoots this weekend! One of them is raking in a nice chunk of money!
Part of the deal, though, is I have to pull a Brittany and shave my head!
I've shaved my head many times before, though, so it's not that big a deal...just gonna feel a bit funny doing it on film! Maybe while it's shaved I'll take some of my money and get something tattooed on the other side of it! I have a dragon on one side. The question is...what?! Maybe a spiderweb....
I've been wishing my friend would move back, but, I guess when you move to L.A. (or any other cool city), there's no way in hell you'd come back to Roanoke! It's BORING here! But, I wish she would move back because I miss our Champaign movie nights and going out clubbing nights...plus we had so much in common. I rarely find people I can talk to as well as I could to her. We were a LOT alike!
She would also be great to do a shoot with. We talked about it several times when she was here, just never got around to it! Who knows, though...maybe we'll get together in L.A. some day and still do it!
Right now I'm cooking Sausage Jambalya to have for dinner (I LOVE to cook!) and I'm trying to get our apartment back in order. Tomorrow I think I'll go help my neighbor some more. There's also another lady who just wants me to help her get her stuff organized. Apparently she was a ton of stuff and will also give me odds and ends in return for the help. That's more fun than money sometimes!
Craig (my husband) and I are thinking of moving to Florida. No reason to be here anymore, asides from my brothers, and it would give them an excuse to get out and travel more. Assuming they're not mad at me. I guess we'll make new friends there. Just gotta find the right crowd. Most people our age don't seem to really want to asociate with us (I think we're too off the wall). And frankly, I don't feel comfortable around tham at all, either. We don't do church. Not into "community" events. So...we'll have to find some fave bars and a night club or 2. I'm sure we'll manage!
I think in a few days I'll go get my ears stretched again. Craig bought me these cool skull plugs on Ebay and I'm dying to see what they look like! (Skulls are one of my fave things!) He also bought me a great book the other day about Edie Sedgwick called "Edie: Girl On Fire". I've adored her since I first read about her in "Edie: An American Biography" back in the early 80's. This new book is GREAT!! Lot's of beautiful pictures! And there's a CD of her talking (I haven't played it yet...but I'm sure it will be fascinating! Maybe one of these days I'll grow up.
But, geez...I still get all excied about stuff like new books about Edie and music and roadtrips. I had a shitty childhood and teenhood...even my 20's rather sucked. So, I guess I'm just making up for it now! hehe...

Anyway, the shoots went well. Still waiting on the pics from those. Will post some when I have them! One of these took place at a really cool hotel called the Helix in DC which the photgrapher paid for! He even took us out and bought us drinks...a really sweet guy! This hotel was sooooo cool. It was decorated like the 60's and had all kinds of wild colors and decorations and stuff. Finding it was a bit of a problem...driving in DC is hell on earth! But, after getting lost in some really ritzy looking neighborhood, we finally made it and had a great time! While we were there we went out for Ethiopian food (Saturday night). It was even better than I thought it would be. And the fun thing was you had to eat it all with just your fingers!

I know, I don't write much on here lately, but I just seem to hit these "ruts" where I absolutely hate writing! And, also, I find myself too busy most of the time these days! Asides from modeling, I've been helping a neighbor pack to move. In return she's given me some cool stuff like art supplies and a cabinet. Gonna miss her!
Lets see...I have a couple more shoots this weekend! One of them is raking in a nice chunk of money!

I've been wishing my friend would move back, but, I guess when you move to L.A. (or any other cool city), there's no way in hell you'd come back to Roanoke! It's BORING here! But, I wish she would move back because I miss our Champaign movie nights and going out clubbing nights...plus we had so much in common. I rarely find people I can talk to as well as I could to her. We were a LOT alike!

Right now I'm cooking Sausage Jambalya to have for dinner (I LOVE to cook!) and I'm trying to get our apartment back in order. Tomorrow I think I'll go help my neighbor some more. There's also another lady who just wants me to help her get her stuff organized. Apparently she was a ton of stuff and will also give me odds and ends in return for the help. That's more fun than money sometimes!
Craig (my husband) and I are thinking of moving to Florida. No reason to be here anymore, asides from my brothers, and it would give them an excuse to get out and travel more. Assuming they're not mad at me. I guess we'll make new friends there. Just gotta find the right crowd. Most people our age don't seem to really want to asociate with us (I think we're too off the wall). And frankly, I don't feel comfortable around tham at all, either. We don't do church. Not into "community" events. So...we'll have to find some fave bars and a night club or 2. I'm sure we'll manage!

I think in a few days I'll go get my ears stretched again. Craig bought me these cool skull plugs on Ebay and I'm dying to see what they look like! (Skulls are one of my fave things!) He also bought me a great book the other day about Edie Sedgwick called "Edie: Girl On Fire". I've adored her since I first read about her in "Edie: An American Biography" back in the early 80's. This new book is GREAT!! Lot's of beautiful pictures! And there's a CD of her talking (I haven't played it yet...but I'm sure it will be fascinating! Maybe one of these days I'll grow up.


i miss you girlie.......

OOOOOHHHHHH a cook who likes to mess with the cajun food!!!! YUMMMMMMMY!