Well...its about time I update this f@#$ing journal...so, here goes:
Since the last time I wrote, there hasn't really been much happening. I did finally have a photoshoot I truly enjoyed (I got to pose in all kinds of weird scenarios that involved suicide, death, s&m...and for once I honestly had a great time. (I think this stuff was right up my alley!
And...finally, a photographer actually agreed that "cutesy" stuff just isn't me. That's why whenever I try to do "cutesy", I come off looking like a mannequin, I suppose. I feel completely silly doing that stuff! One photographer said (when he was trying to get me to look "teasing" and "seductive") I looked like I wanted to kill someone...perhaps he was correct...the thought was crossing my mind at the time
On another note...our landlords decided to change everyone's thermostats a few weeks back. They put in these things where you can't up the heat. It stays on 72 degrees all the time, plus it rarely came on. It wasn't bad at first, but the weather turned really cold again and it's been FREEZING in here!
So, the other day, I got pissed off enough about it to do some serious thinking and I figured it out. I put one of those lunch box freezer ice cube things in front of the old "stat...and its been coming on practically non-stop since! Hehehe...they're not gonna up our rent and expect us to freeze! Lesson of the day...don't f$%k with a smartass! Now, if I could just figure out a way to put the screws to the government...
I have another shoot coming up this weekend...I only hope its as cool as this last one. I actually worked for 10 hours the first day of the last one (with a short break in between for dinner) and then another 6 hours the next day. (Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I got to listen to Iced Earth and the Ramones for a chunk of it). That's how fun it was. Now, if I can only get paid enough that after hotel and gas, etc... that I have some cash left over, all will be well. There's something on here I despartely want to buy!!
Haven't gotten really trashed lately. So, as soon as that happens that'll be another story in itself. Hopefully a good one...
Since the last time I wrote, there hasn't really been much happening. I did finally have a photoshoot I truly enjoyed (I got to pose in all kinds of weird scenarios that involved suicide, death, s&m...and for once I honestly had a great time. (I think this stuff was right up my alley!

On another note...our landlords decided to change everyone's thermostats a few weeks back. They put in these things where you can't up the heat. It stays on 72 degrees all the time, plus it rarely came on. It wasn't bad at first, but the weather turned really cold again and it's been FREEZING in here!

I have another shoot coming up this weekend...I only hope its as cool as this last one. I actually worked for 10 hours the first day of the last one (with a short break in between for dinner) and then another 6 hours the next day. (Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I got to listen to Iced Earth and the Ramones for a chunk of it). That's how fun it was. Now, if I can only get paid enough that after hotel and gas, etc... that I have some cash left over, all will be well. There's something on here I despartely want to buy!!
Haven't gotten really trashed lately. So, as soon as that happens that'll be another story in itself. Hopefully a good one...

How did your other photoshoot go? Glad to hear that you actually had fun at one for a change! What are the photographs going to be used for?
Yeah that's a spider tattoo in my avatar, I have one on the other side of my stomach too. I've also got corset lacing down my back, two wrist tattoos and a band of lyrics around my ankle. I should really think about getting some pictures up at some point!