I now have something to put in my journal, being as SonOfAPunk was kind enough to tag me.

Seven things to do before I die:
1) Move to Europe or Mexico.
2) Resume my drawing and painting and become mega-talented at it.
3) Try (most) everything once..
4) Travel the world.
5) Get a real job!

6) Discover my calling so that I can feel like I've "contributed" something.
7) Grow younger and get stuck at about age 20.
2. Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1) Drink just one of anything.
2) Model.
3) Be one of those prissy, cutesy types.

4) Treat people badly, unless they treat me badly first.
5) Respect people who think they're better than others.
6) Take life seriously.
7) Give up Chinese food.
3. Seven things that attract me to where I live (Roanoke, VA)
This is gonna be one hell of a stretch. I find it amazingly boring here!
2) Landscape/mountains.
3) Local bands' shows.
4) Rebels.
5) Old farms.
6) Most people are friendly.
7) The woods.
4. Seven things I say most often:
1) "Goddammit!"
2) "Who gives a shit?"
3) "Well...."
4) "OK...just one more"

5) "That's amazing!"
6) "Lets go out"
7) "Ohhhh...I've got one hell of a hangover..."
5. Seven Books that I Love:
1) Edie: An American Biographie
2) Red Dragon
3) City of Night
4) Call of the Wild
5) The Man Who Fell to Earth
6) Bodies and Souls
7) Joy of...Cooking

6. Seven movies I watch over and over again:
1) Mousehunt
2) Wallace and Grommit and the Curse of the Were Rabbit
3) Pink Floyd: The Wall
4) SLC Punk
5) Sid and Nancy
6) Gia
7) Born Yesterday (the original)
7. Seven people to tag.
1) Ael
2) Bard
3) Redwidowz
4) Spud_Bliss
5) Arden
7) Zode
I helped a friend move last night. That's my excitement for the week. We didn't get done until like 3:00 am and I am TIRED!

Blah! Are you going to the Motley Crue concert? I'm too broke to go,and I start work that day, it kind of stinks though because we don't get many concerts.
sonofapunk is a dirty liar !lol
he's had chinese food recently,it does still make him uber ill and headachey,boys have such bad memorys.
anywhoo you rawk