Changed my pic again!
I've discovered I like to take my own photos...'cause I manage to capture the real me. I snapped this one just 10 minutes ago. I'll probably change it again real soon, though...just because I can!
Lets see...getting some interesting prospects lined up, which I won't go into at the moment. I like to wait until things actually happen before I start discussing them. But they are very interesting...albeit kinda ironic, too.
Here I go, aimlessly rambling as usual...
I am about to surf the net, then get started on a drawing of Peter Murphy, and finally curl up and watch a crime show or 2 (hopefully they're on tonight). You know...Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, etc... I LOVE those!

Lets see...getting some interesting prospects lined up, which I won't go into at the moment. I like to wait until things actually happen before I start discussing them. But they are very interesting...albeit kinda ironic, too.

I am about to surf the net, then get started on a drawing of Peter Murphy, and finally curl up and watch a crime show or 2 (hopefully they're on tonight). You know...Forensic Files, Cold Case Files, etc... I LOVE those!

Sounds like your modeling is starting to take off. Which is no surprise. I mean, have you SEEN your photos!? Can't get enough!