I decided to change my profile pic for awhile. It's fun to change stuff!
Not a lot happening here. Same old BORING
Roanoke. Might have some interesting opportunities coming up in the way of modeling...not sure yet, though. Wish me the best...I REALLY need some paying work...and I'd love for the assholes who left me no choice but to quit my last job to see me glaring at them from a provacative ad! An ad that actually glorifies my piercings, hair, and ink!
(That gives me a cheap thrill!) I know...I sound vengeful...and I AM! hehehe...
Anyway, enough silliness. I'm trying to update my page here and my mind has gone completely blank for something to write about!
Hope everyone is having a great year so far. Mine is actually going terrifically for a change. Usually, New Years suck...but this one is rolling along nicely. Lots of promising ventures and projects. My dream is to get us enough cash to move away from here and either back to Toronto or Paris. Maybe I can have a quick modeling career and open our own Chihuahua farm/rescue. A whole herd of Chihuahuas...
...just imagine...
Well...since I'm obviously only gonna sit here and ramble about crap...I think I'll go have a drink, watch some telly and turn in for the night. I promise...one day soon I'll have something truly astounding to post here...

Not a lot happening here. Same old BORING

Anyway, enough silliness. I'm trying to update my page here and my mind has gone completely blank for something to write about!

Well...since I'm obviously only gonna sit here and ramble about crap...I think I'll go have a drink, watch some telly and turn in for the night. I promise...one day soon I'll have something truly astounding to post here...

Official sport of the anti-yuppie-twat society.
Yeah, anybody who thinks they're "Ballsy" enough to belittle others, usually don't have the balls to do it to your face.