Ah yes, something of a beautiful spring day (at least the weatherman said it would happen). It was supposed to be 60 and sunny but oh nooo!, when I looked at 11am it was overcast, dark and dreary. The perfect day for an outdoor photo shoot!
My photographer showed up, sat in the living room and coaxed me through several wardrobe changes, each time the clothes got shorter, smaller and tighter. Figures eh? My photographer is a guy.
Finally I ended up in a pair of stockings, the smallest thong I own (and probably in the world) and this tiny little wee black lace (totally see-through!!) dress that barely (yup, thats the key word!) covered my almost non existent bum! Damn, I was barely (that key word again!) able to walk out into the living room in front of my photographer. He expected me to walk out the front door, hop into his car and drive to the Blue Ridge Parkway where hed planned to do my photo set.
I grabbed my full length fur coat and wrapped myself up and meekly wandered out the door. I had visions of every neighbor in the world being outside pointing at me saying Do you know what SHE has on under that coat?. I bit my lip, discovered that there wasnt a soul outside waiting for me and hopped into the car.
It was so dreary and cold. There was no way in hell that I was going to drop my drawers out in the middle of nature and freeze my little butt off. My photographer told me not to worry and that there would be a bright sunny day just over the mountains surrounding Roanoke.
Holy sheep-sh*t! He was right! It was absolutely beautiful! We arrived at this totally desolate spot on top of some mountain (and I mean the TOP!). He stopped the car and got out so that could get up my courage. I had a nice long conversation with myself for about 10 seconds and then bounded from the car ready for action! Its Super JoJo!
Click, click, click, 200 pictures later I was standing there next to this great big tree naked as a jay-bird smiling my fool ass off. My set was done and I was once again basking in the warmth of my beautiful fur coat.
I dont know about my photographer but I needed a drink. Off to one of my favorite watering holes for some much deserved Champaign! Feeling much more human my photographer drove me home. He was an absolute gentleman the whole time what a dear!
Ah yes, the joys of being an SG wannabe!
Here's the first pic from the set...
The poor tree is still blushing!
My photographer showed up, sat in the living room and coaxed me through several wardrobe changes, each time the clothes got shorter, smaller and tighter. Figures eh? My photographer is a guy.
Finally I ended up in a pair of stockings, the smallest thong I own (and probably in the world) and this tiny little wee black lace (totally see-through!!) dress that barely (yup, thats the key word!) covered my almost non existent bum! Damn, I was barely (that key word again!) able to walk out into the living room in front of my photographer. He expected me to walk out the front door, hop into his car and drive to the Blue Ridge Parkway where hed planned to do my photo set.
I grabbed my full length fur coat and wrapped myself up and meekly wandered out the door. I had visions of every neighbor in the world being outside pointing at me saying Do you know what SHE has on under that coat?. I bit my lip, discovered that there wasnt a soul outside waiting for me and hopped into the car.
It was so dreary and cold. There was no way in hell that I was going to drop my drawers out in the middle of nature and freeze my little butt off. My photographer told me not to worry and that there would be a bright sunny day just over the mountains surrounding Roanoke.
Holy sheep-sh*t! He was right! It was absolutely beautiful! We arrived at this totally desolate spot on top of some mountain (and I mean the TOP!). He stopped the car and got out so that could get up my courage. I had a nice long conversation with myself for about 10 seconds and then bounded from the car ready for action! Its Super JoJo!
Click, click, click, 200 pictures later I was standing there next to this great big tree naked as a jay-bird smiling my fool ass off. My set was done and I was once again basking in the warmth of my beautiful fur coat.
I dont know about my photographer but I needed a drink. Off to one of my favorite watering holes for some much deserved Champaign! Feeling much more human my photographer drove me home. He was an absolute gentleman the whole time what a dear!
Ah yes, the joys of being an SG wannabe!
Here's the first pic from the set...

The poor tree is still blushing!

Your tatoos are amazing !!!