Been a month since I last posted anything year is still going good. Job moved me to a new location closer to where I live so that's a huge plus. Only thing I really need to work on this year is being more outgoing and going after what I want more aggressively.
so far a good ass year even though its barely started. went to see emily wells last night had such a good time and spent tonight chilling smoking and having drinks with friends. lets keep all this positivity all through the year
happy new year all
tgif and ordered myself a magic flight launch box for a xmas gift for myself cant wait to get it and try that bad boy out
dam best friend all caught in a mosh girl got his head all crazy and hes back to dark places drinking and much worse after being clean three years. now its like i dont have a friend again so shitty. well got my head a mess and up late think ill start reading preacher again .
toke in memory rip dimebag darrell

Had a great relaxing weekend picked American Gods to read and so far enjoying it. Can't beleve this year almost over already how quick the time seems to be going. Really have to figure out what I want to accomplish in the upcoming one. I think I really need to go outside my comfort zone and put a effort into meeting new people that's definetly...
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Decided to join back up for a year and see how things go. Been one hell of a stressful week a brother I don't know I had fonding me on fb, a buddys bday who died in iraq, friends stepdad having a stroke and being given a year to live and all this right after my best bud relapses hardcore. I put myself out there...
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worst place to get bit by a zombie.... the nads
Having none of my own, I'll take your word for it on that one.
lol just watched dead snow and poor guy right after he cut of his arm they got his nads and after that really no reason to keep going
had a great weekend so far spent friday night cruising the city in my bug then during the day yesterday riding my bike all the way around Manhattan some good shit now heading to the beach today probably for the last time of the summer.if only i could stay so busy all of the time