i bought nintendogs yesterday for my ds. my dog is a yorkshire terrier named ms lolli bookends or just lolli for short just like my real dog that is still in georgia with my old boyfriend. you have to use voice commands for everything. so... yesterday me and my roommate, delray, were in eating at TGIFridays and yelling at our dual screens to come here and sit down. i bought her a little yellow ribbon that she wears on her neck.. i hope that she grows up in the game and her coat get nice and long. so far she knows 3 tricks: sit down, lie down and shake. everytime i take her on a walk she poops on the sidewalk and i have to pick it up.. im having a blast with this game. it really feels like i have a real little dog in my ds. all of my employees also have the game so we are all going to put them in bark mode and let the dogs play together. we also got some really neat nintendogs skins for the ds at the store but my ds is already covered with paper mario and hello kitty stickers.
i have been playing darkwatch a little online this past week. the controls are very similiar to halo and i like that. there is never anyone online playing deathmatch so i always have to create a match and with my connection i can only hold 5 people. i would really like to have a full blown 16 player free for all going. i am probably going to exchange it tomorrow and get hulk ultimate destruction. i have been looking forward to that game for a long time... i love spiderman 2 and hulk plays just like it. i cant wait for ddr mario mix to come out next week.. then september burnout 4, ultimate spiderman and rainbow six 3: lockdown! the summer of long rpgs and tactics games has come to an end..... the next couple of months are going to be very exciting.
i have been playing darkwatch a little online this past week. the controls are very similiar to halo and i like that. there is never anyone online playing deathmatch so i always have to create a match and with my connection i can only hold 5 people. i would really like to have a full blown 16 player free for all going. i am probably going to exchange it tomorrow and get hulk ultimate destruction. i have been looking forward to that game for a long time... i love spiderman 2 and hulk plays just like it. i cant wait for ddr mario mix to come out next week.. then september burnout 4, ultimate spiderman and rainbow six 3: lockdown! the summer of long rpgs and tactics games has come to an end..... the next couple of months are going to be very exciting.
i was just reading electronic gaming and had decided that it is settled i have to have nintendogs. have you seen the issue...it goes into all the things not to do to your dog. it made me teary eyed! i had a dream last night that i was playing animal crossing on the ds. weird huh?
well it depends on what day it is...*smile* we break up more than a fat chick tries a new diet. but yeah. we can't seem to stay away from each other no matter how much of a bad idea it seems. he's addictive like pez.
darkwatch... thats the russian movie about the deamons and things that run ramptid and things right? if it is i watched it a long time ago oh so good. (its part of 3 movies)
and yeppers thats my girlfriend (and about the raddest person i have ever known) haha and thank you, i agree she is beautiful, but she also is just flat out awesome as a person. (sorry ill stop gushing about her)
haha a gamer and a tank girl fan.. super rad