this is just sad and made me cry when i saw it, reposted from george takei's blog
February 6, 2012
This video is of an brutal attack upon a diminutive man by three assailants outside a grocery store in Atlanta, who yelled faggot while repeatedly beating him. Another exhorted no faggots in Jack City. The video was posted yesterday to YouTube, but it was removed...
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February 6, 2012
This video is of an brutal attack upon a diminutive man by three assailants outside a grocery store in Atlanta, who yelled faggot while repeatedly beating him. Another exhorted no faggots in Jack City. The video was posted yesterday to YouTube, but it was removed...
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its about time that california stopped opressing the gay/lesbian/bi/tran/ community, as a feminine bisexual male, im glad that same sex marriage is being allowed , its as natural as the sun shining in the sky lets hope the decision sticks and same sexes can finally marry, and lets hope this shows the other states to follow suit and give the rights that should've been there...
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sucks that its 2012 and we're STILL debating this shit ...this country needs to get it together as a whole....
seriously, same sex marriage should not be debatable it should be given, its basic human rights, i just hope that in my lifetime i can see the beauty of atleast half the u.s. accepting same sex marriage
please read, sign, and foward
Susan G. Komen for the Cure just cut funding to Planned Parenthood
for breast health screenings, bowing to anti-choice pressure and
eliminating funding for 170,000 breast exams.
I signed a petition urging Komen to put women's lives ahead of politics,
and restore funding for breast health care to Planned Parenthood. Can you
join me at the link below?
Susan G. Komen for the Cure just cut funding to Planned Parenthood
for breast health screenings, bowing to anti-choice pressure and
eliminating funding for 170,000 breast exams.
I signed a petition urging Komen to put women's lives ahead of politics,
and restore funding for breast health care to Planned Parenthood. Can you
join me at the link below?
ugh fucking government, said i would have my taxes today so nothing, i check online and now it says till next week rrrrr
but on other news, yesterday was my bro's b-day and we celebrated the only way we knew, boooze and lot of it, bacardi rum, and patron
but on other news, yesterday was my bro's b-day and we celebrated the only way we knew, boooze and lot of it, bacardi rum, and patron
what if when we die we move to another plane of existance, like when we died in our last universe/plane/dimension we were born into this one? also what if when we dream we visit for a moment the planes/existance/universe/realities that we have "died" in
would explain alot, like past lives and visiting spirits and such
would explain alot, like past lives and visiting spirits and such
catgoes missing for about an hour, wondering where she went, call her, nothing, jiggle her food bowl, hear the jingling of her bell but no kitty, call her and do it again, hear jiggling but no kitty, doin it one last time while looking towards the back room and notice a paw coming out of our dirty clothes hamper v_v lol
Lol! Did she get stuck? You should have taken a pic of that! Cats are so adorable!
i did it just took me a bit to downsize their size to be able to upload, she's a cutie im glad i got her from a recue agency
that feeling when you thought all was doomed for my ps3 and when i finally found the last resort, hooray for the last resort working and me also learning how to open up my ps3 lol ^_^
happpppy new years to all my friends on sg, and to sg staff
happy new year! thanks for the add!
im so ashamed of my hometown, this year 4 innocent children have died, wtf did they ever do to us nothning thts what, but 4 children have died, and probably many more in oakland that have been not reported, it really sucks that children have to suffer due to the stupid idiocracy of adults, god i wish i could be mayor of oakland, id make...
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holy shit has anyone ever sat down and read the zombie survival guide? this shit is crazy