I loved beach camping I really did. But how would you feel that the one day you missed working you missed cooking for the one person you base most of your future career on.
I don't just idolize Harold McGee I think I may actually love the man. Without him you wouldn't have Heston Blumenthal, Ferran Andria, you name it you wouldn't have most of the people in modern cookery, or you would have but they would be a lot shitter than they are now. The guy is the Lennon and McCartney of modern cooking and he ate at my bloody restaurant last week and I would not only have met him but cooked for him too. To top it all he loved the place. Sent a lovely letter to that effect which I read tonight whilst cooking for some arsehole bankers who wouldn't eat their steak cause it was too 'Raw'...cunts ??!!
I'm gutted but also in a good mood. I met Fergus Henderson the other day and now he follows my twitter page. Also I'm now being paid to cook at the loft rather than working for nothing. Also I'm getting paid to cook at big formula one event next week for Jaguar which should be pretty cool.
The ups and the downs, the ups and the downs.
Hope you get another chance.