Home alone again. I finished my chef stage at the end of last week. I must admit it feels good to be relaxing at home for a bit before my course starts later this month, but I'm unsure as to how long that feeling will lapse into one of boredom and contempt. The restaurant took me out for a meal and gave me a nice card and a free meal voucher for 2, which was very nice of them (although seeing as I've worked for 2 months for free for them, if they hadn't I would probably have called the health department on them or something).
My time in the kitchen has given me mixed feelings. On the plus side I love cooking and I'm not at all phased with the pressure of the kitchen. On the negative I find it very hard as a successful (on the whole) businessman taking orders from someone half my age. It a negative enhanced I suppose by the fact that they were not only all french but most off them (until we went out at the end) never even knew why the fuck I was there. I had an interesting conversation with one of the waiting staff who was a Canadian girl. Apparently one of the young female chefs was bitching that I left at 11.30pm one night. The waiting staff are all english speaking so understood why i was there. Apparently the bitching didn't go down so well when they explained to her that I was there as a unpaid volunteer and maybe she should be grateful that I help her clean at all. In the end they all told me that most chefs are happy just to survive a french kitchen, so I suppose at least I did that.
On the whole though I have much more to do this time. I have my food blog which is gaining a surprising amount of links and hits after only being up for a couple of weeks. My mission this week is to come up with a strawberries and cream flavored dessert that looks like beans on toast. Don't ask me why.
On the novel front I'm sad to say that I have stalled a little due to the chef stuff and the blog but I intend to rekindle my mojo soon enough.
Apart form that I'll mostly be drinking...which is fine.
This idea is sexy. A sexy idea.
well done too.