Friendships are a tricky little cunt. Like any relationship (cause that's what they are in the end), it's delicate and has a perceived lifespan.
The biggest mistake you can make with a relationship is to assume that it will always be fun. Like most things in life the appreciation for something good only comes when you get to see the ugly side once in a while. And when you start to learn to appreciate those moments for what they really are, I can only assume there is very little left to learn about anything.
There are some handy tricks though, to get you avoid some of the worst bits.
- Don't talk behind people's backs.
- Compliment when deserved.
- Be honest but know when to lie.
- Don't use people as your therapists unless they are, in fact your therapist.
- Your lover can have friends too. Always except each other's friends and don't ignore your own.
- Don't interfere with another relationship, even if it involves your best friend.
- Know when to leave the room.
- Accept when things are your fault.
- Be there.
- Forgive.
As far as I'm concerned the whole word could crumble around me and as long as I have good friends I'd still be as happy as I would ever care to be. Right now I have a great number of special people in my life and I feel blessed and happy. I just hope they don't go and fuck it all up for everyone.
The good times don't always have to end and they certainly don't end themselves. They only end when you stop paying attention.
I hope that makes sense and you don't think I'm all depressed. I'm not in the slightest. I'm just concearned and I think I have a right to be.
You make a lot of excellent points, and that's a good way to live. Noted.
Also, there's no way you can eat 12 without getting Causy style shakes from it.