"Did you see it? That millikan mote?.. Well, I thank I did, but I'm no one to qoute". Well, ladies and germs, I finally moved into my new house. My first house I've ever owned. First anything I've ever really owned and I got all by my self. Well April and I, but I'll take the credit. Summers really can berry the fruits of many...
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Hello! I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing? Still in the new house? How are you liking it?
just wanted to say hello
well it is friday the 13th just after dusk and it was a rather slow evening at the resturant. In fact all week has been very sap like. Summer in fine dinning just don't mix i guess. Unless your the new hot spot with a great happy hour special. Oh well.. As the days tinker along I reflick the holiday season that flow with milk...
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for sure
for sure
Exercising, now there is something if you don't stick with, it well bite you in your ass the second you try to pick in back up again. I recitely have been quiting smoking. So in doing so, I've been replacing my habits with new ones. So for the past few days my wife and I been up at the soccer fields kicking the old ball...
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