I recently posted a new episode of my podcast. This one is about Dawn of the Dead (1978) which was filmed in my hometown of Monroeville, Pa. To this day, people come from near and far on a pilgrimage to see where Dawn of the Dead was shot. People as far from New Zealand have shown up with cameras in hand!
You can hear my impressions of this classic shocker by clicking here:
Or, more precisely, THERE---->Nightmare Fuel Podcast: Episode Three--DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978)
I'll post a new episode, and possibly a bonus episode, sometime this coming week. I took one week off because of A. the heat. And, B. I got burned out with talking about zombies. I think three zombie episodes is enough for now. I'll resume the commentary on shufflers and shamblers when The Walking Dead Season 2 shows up in October. October 16th, to be precise.
The next episode will probably be a review of the first three issues of Clive Barker's new Hellraiser comic. I've recently started to get back into comics, but not the superhero kind--horror comics. The new Hellraiser has been my grand re-introduction. I'm quite pleased to say that there are more horror-related comics than I had previously imagined. There's no lack of material out there.
Till then, I leave you with this piece that I wrote last night. I'll probably repost this to Nightmare Fuel as well.
Granted, this could never happen in real life. But it does give one something to think about.
I present to you....
Jack The Ripper's iPod Playlist.
Yes, if Jack The Ripper had an iPod, this is what would be on it...presumably.
1. Psycho Killer--The Talking Heads
Yeah, it has to be there. Why not? It's the ultimate theme song for, well, you know. Besides, you can dance to it.
2. The First Cut is The Deepest--Rod Stewart, or Cheryl Crow
Let's face it, Cheryl Crow will make anybody want to kill. She's soooo tacky. Rod Stewart is just a classic act. This song was written by Van Morrison, if I'm not mistaken.
3. Violent Mood Swings--Stabbing Westward
One of the theories about The Ripper, is that he may have appeared normal to most people. There's a condition called Satiriasis (I think I spelled that right) in which seemingly normal people are prone to outbursts of violent behavior. Either that, or they've drank too many Redbulls whilst playing Warcraft. Either one will turn you into a raving maniac.
4. The Midnight Rambler--The Rolling Stones
This song mentions the infamous Boston Strangler. Contrary to popular belief, The Ripper did not just cut his victims. He strangled them first, then slit their throats. He then did all sorts of nastiness that I won't repeat on a site predominated by women. But, if you want me to recount what he did, I can send it to you privately. Or, I can read it to you very, very slowly, in my sexiest voice.
5. Killing me Softly (With his Song)--The Fugees
I like both The Flecktones version, and the Fugees cover. But, I think The Fugees version is more somber. Not to mention, there's nothing wrong with a song that you can dance to while working. Even if that work is on someone lying prostrate in an alleyway.
6. The Devil Inside--INXS
I don't believe in demonic possession. Nor, do I believe that Jack The Ripper was possessed by devils and the like. I honestly feel that what makes him so terrifying is that he was human, not supernatural. The fact that flesh and blood could tear apart flesh and blood is more disturbing than a wispy boogeyman. Still, INXS needs a re-appraisal. They were a great band that ended too soon.
7. Mack The Knife--Bobby Darin
Yes, this is the pun to beat all puns. Again, another song that you can either dance, or sing to. "...Scarlet billows start to spread..."
8. Last Caress--The Misfits
"I got something to say...I killed your mother today!" Clearly, this man has issues with the female gender. Possibly springing from his mother? Who knows. Still, you can't fault The Misfits for a killer tune...in more ways than one.
9. Death Comes Ripping--The Misfits
Yes, a double shot of the high priests of horror rock. I genuinely like The Misfits. I can sing-a-long with almost every track from their catalog. I'm sure Old Leather Apron himself would appreciate this. It is, afterall, kind of obvious why he'd like it. This is a track that just SCREAMS aggression.
10. Overkill-Motorhead
Though this song is about being at a rock concert, and the joys of rock, I'll make an obvious pun here. Yeah, it stands to reason that the final victim, who was eviscerated, was massively overkilled. Seriously, Jack? I mean why add insult to injury? Somebody needs a time out.
Insensitive, possibly. Though I am talking about real death, this all happened over a 120 years ago. Still, no one was offfended by the Leo popcicle in Titanic--and more people died in that incident. Ergo, nobody alive today as a right to be offended by this. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make fun of The Roman Empire's policies regarding slave labor. Oh, I'm 2,000 years too late, aren't I?

You can hear my impressions of this classic shocker by clicking here:
Or, more precisely, THERE---->Nightmare Fuel Podcast: Episode Three--DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978)
I'll post a new episode, and possibly a bonus episode, sometime this coming week. I took one week off because of A. the heat. And, B. I got burned out with talking about zombies. I think three zombie episodes is enough for now. I'll resume the commentary on shufflers and shamblers when The Walking Dead Season 2 shows up in October. October 16th, to be precise.
The next episode will probably be a review of the first three issues of Clive Barker's new Hellraiser comic. I've recently started to get back into comics, but not the superhero kind--horror comics. The new Hellraiser has been my grand re-introduction. I'm quite pleased to say that there are more horror-related comics than I had previously imagined. There's no lack of material out there.
Till then, I leave you with this piece that I wrote last night. I'll probably repost this to Nightmare Fuel as well.
Granted, this could never happen in real life. But it does give one something to think about.
I present to you....
Jack The Ripper's iPod Playlist.
Yes, if Jack The Ripper had an iPod, this is what would be on it...presumably.
1. Psycho Killer--The Talking Heads
Yeah, it has to be there. Why not? It's the ultimate theme song for, well, you know. Besides, you can dance to it.
2. The First Cut is The Deepest--Rod Stewart, or Cheryl Crow
Let's face it, Cheryl Crow will make anybody want to kill. She's soooo tacky. Rod Stewart is just a classic act. This song was written by Van Morrison, if I'm not mistaken.
3. Violent Mood Swings--Stabbing Westward
One of the theories about The Ripper, is that he may have appeared normal to most people. There's a condition called Satiriasis (I think I spelled that right) in which seemingly normal people are prone to outbursts of violent behavior. Either that, or they've drank too many Redbulls whilst playing Warcraft. Either one will turn you into a raving maniac.
4. The Midnight Rambler--The Rolling Stones
This song mentions the infamous Boston Strangler. Contrary to popular belief, The Ripper did not just cut his victims. He strangled them first, then slit their throats. He then did all sorts of nastiness that I won't repeat on a site predominated by women. But, if you want me to recount what he did, I can send it to you privately. Or, I can read it to you very, very slowly, in my sexiest voice.
5. Killing me Softly (With his Song)--The Fugees
I like both The Flecktones version, and the Fugees cover. But, I think The Fugees version is more somber. Not to mention, there's nothing wrong with a song that you can dance to while working. Even if that work is on someone lying prostrate in an alleyway.
6. The Devil Inside--INXS
I don't believe in demonic possession. Nor, do I believe that Jack The Ripper was possessed by devils and the like. I honestly feel that what makes him so terrifying is that he was human, not supernatural. The fact that flesh and blood could tear apart flesh and blood is more disturbing than a wispy boogeyman. Still, INXS needs a re-appraisal. They were a great band that ended too soon.
7. Mack The Knife--Bobby Darin
Yes, this is the pun to beat all puns. Again, another song that you can either dance, or sing to. "...Scarlet billows start to spread..."
8. Last Caress--The Misfits
"I got something to say...I killed your mother today!" Clearly, this man has issues with the female gender. Possibly springing from his mother? Who knows. Still, you can't fault The Misfits for a killer tune...in more ways than one.
9. Death Comes Ripping--The Misfits
Yes, a double shot of the high priests of horror rock. I genuinely like The Misfits. I can sing-a-long with almost every track from their catalog. I'm sure Old Leather Apron himself would appreciate this. It is, afterall, kind of obvious why he'd like it. This is a track that just SCREAMS aggression.
10. Overkill-Motorhead
Though this song is about being at a rock concert, and the joys of rock, I'll make an obvious pun here. Yeah, it stands to reason that the final victim, who was eviscerated, was massively overkilled. Seriously, Jack? I mean why add insult to injury? Somebody needs a time out.
Insensitive, possibly. Though I am talking about real death, this all happened over a 120 years ago. Still, no one was offfended by the Leo popcicle in Titanic--and more people died in that incident. Ergo, nobody alive today as a right to be offended by this. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make fun of The Roman Empire's policies regarding slave labor. Oh, I'm 2,000 years too late, aren't I?

haha, i meant i conquered the project of replacing my toilet 

I apologize for dirtying your thoughts... or do I?