The Nightmare Fuel Podcast--Episode Two--NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD
Hello my fiends!
Johnny Zombie shows off his roots--so to speak--by revisiting a homegrown classic.
In 1968, Night of the Living Dead shocked audiences. It's mix of gore, nudity, and post apocalyptic imagery gave birth to the modern horror film. Taboos were broken, and the seeds were sown for one of the longest running franchises in horror history--the..."Of The Dead" films.
This film also launched the careers of George A. Romero--Lord of all Zombies, and John Russo--Legendary Scribe of the Dead.
This is the film that started the zombie apocalypse sub-genre, and unleased hordes of the undead all over the world!
The Nightmare Fuel Podcast (CLICK HERE)
Hello my fiends!
Johnny Zombie shows off his roots--so to speak--by revisiting a homegrown classic.
In 1968, Night of the Living Dead shocked audiences. It's mix of gore, nudity, and post apocalyptic imagery gave birth to the modern horror film. Taboos were broken, and the seeds were sown for one of the longest running franchises in horror history--the..."Of The Dead" films.
This film also launched the careers of George A. Romero--Lord of all Zombies, and John Russo--Legendary Scribe of the Dead.
This is the film that started the zombie apocalypse sub-genre, and unleased hordes of the undead all over the world!
The Nightmare Fuel Podcast (CLICK HERE)

I'm glad you liked my video! Haha I don't know what I would do a podcast on. I had a teacher in high school beg me to join the speech team because she needed someone for the radio category. I had to turn her down though because of my severe stage fright