There are few things I hate in life. One of them is hypocracy, another is lying. A third is stabbing me in the back. There are all very painful things to deal with. But for me, frustration and anger are worse than pain.
I am now experiencing both frustration and anger.
It is also related to tax season.
I did my own taxes this year, which was easier than I expected. It cost me nothing, and was less stressful than I had imagined. I also filed online, which also turned out to be safer, and easier, than I had expected.
Here comes the hard part: My tax return was rejected. The reason being that my gross adjusted income for last year didn't match their records. I looked through my old tax returns, and realized that I'd inadvertantly used my return from 2009, rather than 2009 for reference. I searched through boxes and what-not, but in the course of moving, I must have lost it. I can't find last year's return.
That doesn't sound that bad. So, I called the tax service that did my taxes last year. They said, "Yes, we can email them to you. No problem. Just give me about twenty minutes to pull them up."
I checked my email today, and found nothing--just some junk e-mail they'd sent earlier this year. I tried to call, but couldn't get a hold of anyone on Sunday. That may have turned out to be a good thing, considering that I spent about five minutes cussing them out in my imagination.
I emailed them, but they won't get back to me for another day or so. Needless to say, I'm going to call them tomorrow, and bitch them out. I may even file for an extension, if this isn't resolved by tomorrow.
More than once in my life, I've come into contact with situations like this. Either an institution doesn't work properly, or I'm screwed over due to someone's neglect. Over the past three years I've racked up several stories like this
That brings me to something else that I absolutely hate--when I ask someone nicely to do something, and they don't do it. Now, I have to play the bad guy--which is a role I should have adopted a long time ago. One of my problems is that I'm too fucking nice.
Though I know I'll figure something out, I'm sick of things like this happening.
It's in times like these that I wish that I wasn't so fucking nice.
You'll have to excuse me. I just felt the need to vent.
There I go, being nice again. ARGH!

I am now experiencing both frustration and anger.
It is also related to tax season.
I did my own taxes this year, which was easier than I expected. It cost me nothing, and was less stressful than I had imagined. I also filed online, which also turned out to be safer, and easier, than I had expected.
Here comes the hard part: My tax return was rejected. The reason being that my gross adjusted income for last year didn't match their records. I looked through my old tax returns, and realized that I'd inadvertantly used my return from 2009, rather than 2009 for reference. I searched through boxes and what-not, but in the course of moving, I must have lost it. I can't find last year's return.
That doesn't sound that bad. So, I called the tax service that did my taxes last year. They said, "Yes, we can email them to you. No problem. Just give me about twenty minutes to pull them up."
I checked my email today, and found nothing--just some junk e-mail they'd sent earlier this year. I tried to call, but couldn't get a hold of anyone on Sunday. That may have turned out to be a good thing, considering that I spent about five minutes cussing them out in my imagination.
I emailed them, but they won't get back to me for another day or so. Needless to say, I'm going to call them tomorrow, and bitch them out. I may even file for an extension, if this isn't resolved by tomorrow.
More than once in my life, I've come into contact with situations like this. Either an institution doesn't work properly, or I'm screwed over due to someone's neglect. Over the past three years I've racked up several stories like this
That brings me to something else that I absolutely hate--when I ask someone nicely to do something, and they don't do it. Now, I have to play the bad guy--which is a role I should have adopted a long time ago. One of my problems is that I'm too fucking nice.
Though I know I'll figure something out, I'm sick of things like this happening.
It's in times like these that I wish that I wasn't so fucking nice.
You'll have to excuse me. I just felt the need to vent.
There I go, being nice again. ARGH!

I got married... we bought a house... all good.
Then I got a letter from the Canada Revenue Agency saying that my tax return was wrong and I owed the government $3,000. Oh, and I owed it to them within two weeks.
I called the tax company - they looked at their records and said, "Oh yeah, we put a four where we should have put a one - you do owe them $3,000. But that's okay because you shouldn't have had the $3,000 to start with so just give it back". Ummm... I've bought a house and moved to a new city and am job searching - I don't have that $3,000 anymore!
Grrrr... now I do my taxes myself. So I sympathize!