man what a day! it must have been 95 degrees out. i got off work and my GF and i headed to the pool at my apartment and for some odd reason it was closed.
no bueno.
at that moment collin called and asked what we were doing. i told him about the pool and he informed me that he was home from school for the weekend. this means THE LAKE HOUSE!
GF, my friend Steve, and i drove up to his place and had a great fucking day in the sun!
we swam, took the boat out and got drug on the innertube-thingy. collin beat the bejesus out of us and then we got food.
after that it was croquet (sp), shooting PBR cans with the red rider, and hitting golf balls off the lawn into the lake. good shit!
i got shitloads of sun and i'm tired as hell. i'm gonna finish this entry, eat my ice cream, and hit the sack.
later, you dirty pirate hookers.
no bueno.

at that moment collin called and asked what we were doing. i told him about the pool and he informed me that he was home from school for the weekend. this means THE LAKE HOUSE!
GF, my friend Steve, and i drove up to his place and had a great fucking day in the sun!
we swam, took the boat out and got drug on the innertube-thingy. collin beat the bejesus out of us and then we got food.
after that it was croquet (sp), shooting PBR cans with the red rider, and hitting golf balls off the lawn into the lake. good shit!
i got shitloads of sun and i'm tired as hell. i'm gonna finish this entry, eat my ice cream, and hit the sack.
later, you dirty pirate hookers.

oh, and your welcome. it was fun.
[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 8:08AM]
continue it, please.
the minions are counting on you.