let's see here. it's sunday and there is not much going on at the moment so i'll ramble about the last fews days i guess.
heidi came down yesterday afternoon and after much deliberation we found a place to get chow (quiznos) before heading to Sonic Boom in Ballard to catch the in-store by Devendra Banhart before he was off to headline the croc. i thought he was just great and i think his music is really original by today's standards. kinda like iron & wine, old leonard cohen, nick drake, cat power-style stuff, but you know...hippie. speaking of hippie's, some of the crowd at the in-store really needed to take a bath...or two.
anyway, after the show we headed back to my place while discussing feminism, hippies, WWU, classism, and hygiene among other topics. we got home, had some wine, had some amazing sex, and then slipped into a deep, coma-like sleep. and that was yesterday.
in other news, regan died. j-lo got married (again), more people died in iraq, gas prices dropped four cents (july will be rough though)and i'm kinda broke for the first time since i lived in bothel.
still trying to figure out how that happened. good thing i worked 40 last week with holiday on top of that!
i'm ready for summer. i'm ready to have all the friends home and ready to do the bbq stuff, play in collin's boat, day trips to vancouver (i NEED to find my passport), going to more shows (oh how i miss thee) and just dicking around downtown.
that's it. that's all i've got for now.
heidi came down yesterday afternoon and after much deliberation we found a place to get chow (quiznos) before heading to Sonic Boom in Ballard to catch the in-store by Devendra Banhart before he was off to headline the croc. i thought he was just great and i think his music is really original by today's standards. kinda like iron & wine, old leonard cohen, nick drake, cat power-style stuff, but you know...hippie. speaking of hippie's, some of the crowd at the in-store really needed to take a bath...or two.
anyway, after the show we headed back to my place while discussing feminism, hippies, WWU, classism, and hygiene among other topics. we got home, had some wine, had some amazing sex, and then slipped into a deep, coma-like sleep. and that was yesterday.
in other news, regan died. j-lo got married (again), more people died in iraq, gas prices dropped four cents (july will be rough though)and i'm kinda broke for the first time since i lived in bothel.
still trying to figure out how that happened. good thing i worked 40 last week with holiday on top of that!
i'm ready for summer. i'm ready to have all the friends home and ready to do the bbq stuff, play in collin's boat, day trips to vancouver (i NEED to find my passport), going to more shows (oh how i miss thee) and just dicking around downtown.
that's it. that's all i've got for now.
i saw that
Please come up to Vancouver and visit!