i hate to do this. seriously.
but i need to ask if i can camp with anyone who is going to coachella in two weeks!
my people kinda fell through and i'm on my own.
i have my own money, transportation, and all that...i'd just really like to have some people to party with.
i'm a good guy. not creepy or anything...you can ask anyone on my buddy list!
so...anyone interested? *swallows pride*
but i need to ask if i can camp with anyone who is going to coachella in two weeks!
my people kinda fell through and i'm on my own.

i have my own money, transportation, and all that...i'd just really like to have some people to party with.
i'm a good guy. not creepy or anything...you can ask anyone on my buddy list!
so...anyone interested? *swallows pride*
ah ic. Did you check Craigslist? There's a bunch. I'm not sure about in Seattle, but check SF and LA, there's still time to have them send it to you and some are even emailable.
There's just two that are part of the venue that I know of. I think they're both sold out, and you can't get in unless you have a pass. Which is why I suggested finding someone who's selling one. Aside from that I think there's only hotels and what not.