OK fishtotem and jelly_bean... here it is.... all I can say is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
And other friends, feel free to do ur own version of this.........
I kinda feel like this kid....

100 Truths!
1. Last beverage club soda and lime, I just love that combination, and if it doesnt have gin in it, I still like it fine just plain
2. Last phone call someone wanting me to donate money to the Policemans Benevolent Fund
3. Last text message My friend telling me to stop looking at the William Penn cheerleaders as I was working the PIAA bball playoofs
4. Last song you listened to Geronimo Chiefs I Want Ur Body ok and Kelly Clarksons My Life Would Suck Without U
5. Last time you cried see this is why I dont like doing these things. I tend to be a but too sentimental and, although I wouldnt say I bust out crying, but its pretty easy for me to get choked u at the drop of the hat.. movies, emotional speeches, books,
6. Dated someone twice After the relationship has ended? No.
7. Been cheated on? yea... it caused my recent break up on Dec. 17th after 2 years of a relationship that I thought had potential
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Never regret kissing.. oh, except for the time the garlic wings and beer led to a little back bench smooching and the garlic started to come back to haunt her and subsequently me!
9. Lost someone special? Lost both parents to a car accident when I was 7
10. Been depressed? Yeah, I m in investments and in this economy it sometimes is depressing when u realize that peoples life savings (including mine) r going up in smoke. I am sooooooooo ready to find the one and sometimes I get depressed because I havent yet
11. Been drunk? Ur like kidding, right? Is this a trick question? Of course! Although it is happening less and less as the years go by far less at 27 than at 21.
12. red
13. gold
14. marroon
15. Made new friends I THOUGHT I had but apparently JellyBean doesnt think so. Made many new friends on SG.
16. Fallen out of love after 12/17; yes.
17. Laughed until you cried: all the time...usually at my own jokes, not really but I ROFLMAO all the time!!!!
18. Met someone who changed you I enjoy history and I meet many people in its pages that change and influence me.. Pericles, Lincoln, Henry Clay, Sophocles.. I know that sounds boring, but it is true. I like to walk in the places of history, as well, and I can feel my feet tingling when I am on the spot that history was made!
19. Found out who your true friends were--> yea...and sometimes it was disappointing to see who doesnt have ur back and yet surprising to see who does...
20. Found out someone was talking about you yea...but I am not sure that bothers me all that much
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list that would be hard to do, Fishtotem wont stay still!!!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life um...one but i am hoping to meet more of my fellow israelis on here...
23. How many kids do you want to have If it is with the woman I would like it to be, 107. She would be soooooo happy to find that out!
24. Do you have any pets Yes, a German Shepherd named Rinty. Actually Rinty III My parents were killed in a car accident when I was 7 and I was raised by my Aunt and Uncle. Rinty III can trace his bloodline back to the dog I had when I was young and my parents were still alive.
25. Do you want to change your namenope.. Robert is my first name and Jack my middle name but friends call me RJ or Jack. Either one is fine with me. If I was more of a rum drinker, theyd probably call me Captain!!!
26. What did you do for your last birthday At the time, I was still with my gf. She had a surprise party planned at the local minor league baseball game. Name on the scoreboard, friends there to surprise me, I got to do that stupid race where u spin around a bat and then try to run, and when we got home we made luv until 4 am. Sigh!!!
27. What time did you wake up today 6 am.... and work at 8 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night probably on SG
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for my winning lottery ticket
30. Last time you saw your father When I was 7. This is kinda cruel and the biggest regret is that over the years, the memory is fading. But my Uncle is still alive and well and really was my father as I grew up. See #24.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life Id like to be in a permanent relationship, hopelessly in love, with romance ruling each day
32. What are you listening to right now NIT Basketball tournament on TV
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom cousin named Tom and a friend I graduated college with named Tom
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? JELLY BEAN AND FISH MAKING ME DO THIS :oP Hahahahaha!!
36. Whats your real name Robert Jack and last name rhymes with handy
38. Zodiac sign: Leo
39. Male or female Male
40. Elementary Roosevelt Elementary
41. Middle School Indian Lane Junior High School
42. High school Penncrest High School
43. Hair color brown
44. Long or short short
45. Height 6'0"
46. Do you have a crush on someone? yes
47. What do you like about yourself? my sense of humor well, SOMEONE has to laugh at my jokes
48. Piercings none
49. Tattoos 3 so far but am close to making it 4
50. Righty or lefty righty
51. First surgery hernia operation when I was in third grade
52. First piercing When I was 16 and she was 15 in the music rehearsal room after school. Oh, I dont think u meant that kind of piercing!!!
53. First tattoo little kid in an oversized Phillies uniform
54. First best friend Ray
55. First sport you joined baseball, what else?
56. First pet Rinty I
57. First vacation remembered down Jersey shore, Wildwood
58. First concert don't really remember..
59. First crush--> pam p......
60. First alcohol drink beer
61. Eating salad with grilled chicken
62. Drinking club soda and lime
63. I'm about to rip this up and scatter all the pieces
64. Listening to same bball game as I answered before
65. Waiting for this nightmare to end
66. Want kids? yep, I thought I already answered this one too
67. Want to get married? definitely
68. Careers in mind? already in one, financial investments and I am a NCAA baseball umpire and travel the northeast US during weekends to empire collegiate games.
69. Lips or eyes both? but i love lips
70. Hugs or kisses cuddling - it includes a bit of both
71. Shorter or taller Sexier
72. Older or Younger Sexier
73. Romantic or spontaneous spontaneously romantic
74. Nice stomach or nice arms 6 pack chick
75. Tattoos or piercings tats
76. Sensitive or loud sensitive
77. Hook-up or relationship relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant dont consider myself a trouble-maker but dont think that makes me hesitant exactly
79. Kissed a stranger Yeah but it was New Years Eve
80. Drank hard liquor of course
81. Lost glasses/contacts contacts, yes, but fortunately they are disposable
82. Sex on first date only happened once, I was surprised, pleasantly surprised
83. Broken someone's heart probably, the mutual breakup on Dec. 17th was hard on us both
84. Had your own heart broken yes, sigh
85. Been arrested? nope
86. Turned someone down yea... and it hurts me as much as the others
87. Cried when someone died yep, many times
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex? Of course!!! I admire and respect many males. I admired and respected Fish before he made me do this!!!
89. Yourself yes I do
90. Miracles all the time, hard to explain some things otherwise
91. Love at first sight i DO believe in that
92. Heaven When u get to heaven, drip a few drops of water down to me, will u? Its hot down here!
93. Santa Claus Well of course, I was him last Christmas at my firms Xmas Party for the kids of our employees
94. Kissing on the first date? i so LUV to make-out
95. Angels yep, sometimes I think I should be dead if it wasnt for them but then I think, How come u werent there for my parents? so Im divided
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes, but not sure she knows it
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? no..i'm a one gal kinda man
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes...i do
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? sex, friends, laughter, true joy and happiness
100. hoping other people do this? Im hoping that the angels from #95 make Fish and Jelly Bean do this over and over about 15 times no, just kidding, Im proud to call both of them friends!
And other friends, feel free to do ur own version of this.........
I kinda feel like this kid....

100 Truths!
1. Last beverage club soda and lime, I just love that combination, and if it doesnt have gin in it, I still like it fine just plain
2. Last phone call someone wanting me to donate money to the Policemans Benevolent Fund
3. Last text message My friend telling me to stop looking at the William Penn cheerleaders as I was working the PIAA bball playoofs
4. Last song you listened to Geronimo Chiefs I Want Ur Body ok and Kelly Clarksons My Life Would Suck Without U
5. Last time you cried see this is why I dont like doing these things. I tend to be a but too sentimental and, although I wouldnt say I bust out crying, but its pretty easy for me to get choked u at the drop of the hat.. movies, emotional speeches, books,
6. Dated someone twice After the relationship has ended? No.
7. Been cheated on? yea... it caused my recent break up on Dec. 17th after 2 years of a relationship that I thought had potential
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Never regret kissing.. oh, except for the time the garlic wings and beer led to a little back bench smooching and the garlic started to come back to haunt her and subsequently me!
9. Lost someone special? Lost both parents to a car accident when I was 7
10. Been depressed? Yeah, I m in investments and in this economy it sometimes is depressing when u realize that peoples life savings (including mine) r going up in smoke. I am sooooooooo ready to find the one and sometimes I get depressed because I havent yet
11. Been drunk? Ur like kidding, right? Is this a trick question? Of course! Although it is happening less and less as the years go by far less at 27 than at 21.
12. red
13. gold
14. marroon
15. Made new friends I THOUGHT I had but apparently JellyBean doesnt think so. Made many new friends on SG.
16. Fallen out of love after 12/17; yes.
17. Laughed until you cried: all the time...usually at my own jokes, not really but I ROFLMAO all the time!!!!
18. Met someone who changed you I enjoy history and I meet many people in its pages that change and influence me.. Pericles, Lincoln, Henry Clay, Sophocles.. I know that sounds boring, but it is true. I like to walk in the places of history, as well, and I can feel my feet tingling when I am on the spot that history was made!
19. Found out who your true friends were--> yea...and sometimes it was disappointing to see who doesnt have ur back and yet surprising to see who does...
20. Found out someone was talking about you yea...but I am not sure that bothers me all that much
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list that would be hard to do, Fishtotem wont stay still!!!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life um...one but i am hoping to meet more of my fellow israelis on here...
23. How many kids do you want to have If it is with the woman I would like it to be, 107. She would be soooooo happy to find that out!
24. Do you have any pets Yes, a German Shepherd named Rinty. Actually Rinty III My parents were killed in a car accident when I was 7 and I was raised by my Aunt and Uncle. Rinty III can trace his bloodline back to the dog I had when I was young and my parents were still alive.
25. Do you want to change your namenope.. Robert is my first name and Jack my middle name but friends call me RJ or Jack. Either one is fine with me. If I was more of a rum drinker, theyd probably call me Captain!!!
26. What did you do for your last birthday At the time, I was still with my gf. She had a surprise party planned at the local minor league baseball game. Name on the scoreboard, friends there to surprise me, I got to do that stupid race where u spin around a bat and then try to run, and when we got home we made luv until 4 am. Sigh!!!
27. What time did you wake up today 6 am.... and work at 8 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night probably on SG
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for my winning lottery ticket
30. Last time you saw your father When I was 7. This is kinda cruel and the biggest regret is that over the years, the memory is fading. But my Uncle is still alive and well and really was my father as I grew up. See #24.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life Id like to be in a permanent relationship, hopelessly in love, with romance ruling each day
32. What are you listening to right now NIT Basketball tournament on TV
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom cousin named Tom and a friend I graduated college with named Tom
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? JELLY BEAN AND FISH MAKING ME DO THIS :oP Hahahahaha!!
36. Whats your real name Robert Jack and last name rhymes with handy
38. Zodiac sign: Leo
39. Male or female Male
40. Elementary Roosevelt Elementary
41. Middle School Indian Lane Junior High School
42. High school Penncrest High School
43. Hair color brown
44. Long or short short
45. Height 6'0"
46. Do you have a crush on someone? yes
47. What do you like about yourself? my sense of humor well, SOMEONE has to laugh at my jokes
48. Piercings none
49. Tattoos 3 so far but am close to making it 4
50. Righty or lefty righty
51. First surgery hernia operation when I was in third grade
52. First piercing When I was 16 and she was 15 in the music rehearsal room after school. Oh, I dont think u meant that kind of piercing!!!
53. First tattoo little kid in an oversized Phillies uniform
54. First best friend Ray
55. First sport you joined baseball, what else?
56. First pet Rinty I
57. First vacation remembered down Jersey shore, Wildwood
58. First concert don't really remember..
59. First crush--> pam p......
60. First alcohol drink beer
61. Eating salad with grilled chicken
62. Drinking club soda and lime
63. I'm about to rip this up and scatter all the pieces
64. Listening to same bball game as I answered before
65. Waiting for this nightmare to end
66. Want kids? yep, I thought I already answered this one too
67. Want to get married? definitely
68. Careers in mind? already in one, financial investments and I am a NCAA baseball umpire and travel the northeast US during weekends to empire collegiate games.
69. Lips or eyes both? but i love lips
70. Hugs or kisses cuddling - it includes a bit of both
71. Shorter or taller Sexier
72. Older or Younger Sexier
73. Romantic or spontaneous spontaneously romantic
74. Nice stomach or nice arms 6 pack chick
75. Tattoos or piercings tats
76. Sensitive or loud sensitive
77. Hook-up or relationship relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant dont consider myself a trouble-maker but dont think that makes me hesitant exactly
79. Kissed a stranger Yeah but it was New Years Eve
80. Drank hard liquor of course
81. Lost glasses/contacts contacts, yes, but fortunately they are disposable
82. Sex on first date only happened once, I was surprised, pleasantly surprised
83. Broken someone's heart probably, the mutual breakup on Dec. 17th was hard on us both
84. Had your own heart broken yes, sigh
85. Been arrested? nope
86. Turned someone down yea... and it hurts me as much as the others
87. Cried when someone died yep, many times
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex? Of course!!! I admire and respect many males. I admired and respected Fish before he made me do this!!!
89. Yourself yes I do
90. Miracles all the time, hard to explain some things otherwise
91. Love at first sight i DO believe in that
92. Heaven When u get to heaven, drip a few drops of water down to me, will u? Its hot down here!
93. Santa Claus Well of course, I was him last Christmas at my firms Xmas Party for the kids of our employees
94. Kissing on the first date? i so LUV to make-out
95. Angels yep, sometimes I think I should be dead if it wasnt for them but then I think, How come u werent there for my parents? so Im divided
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes, but not sure she knows it
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? no..i'm a one gal kinda man
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes...i do
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? sex, friends, laughter, true joy and happiness
100. hoping other people do this? Im hoping that the angels from #95 make Fish and Jelly Bean do this over and over about 15 times no, just kidding, Im proud to call both of them friends!
enjoy the 4th tattoo... i'm also proud of calling you a friend... and i'm extending JB invitation... come visit our hellishly hot holy land....
keep writing dude...
fish out... internet here is crap... weekend i'll properly update..