I hasta ask....

Is it Spring yet?

____So my friend Julian has these two cute little poodles, Wilma and Fritz - delightful little buttercup demons. One day we were going to visit my friend Mickey at her fourteenth floor coop. She didnt want to let us inside, because she had this testy old fat black cat, Piere. Julian stood there in the doorway explaining his babies were perfect fluffy little angels, and that they live with a cat, and she had nothing to worry about. This went on for five minutes or so until finally Mickey opened up the door.
____ Fritz and Wilma went off like a bullet straight for the cat. Piere jumped up on the sofa, flipped back over the planter and shot straight out the window - fourteen floors up. After a minute or so of shocked silence, we leaned over the edge expecting the worst but didnt see any pile of black fur splattered on the sidewalk. Just as I was straining my eyes at the roof of a bus at the corner, I heard this soft, Meow. Meow. The cat somehow did a Tom and Jerry, scrambled in midair, did a ninety-degree turn and ended up on the neighbor's six-inch bathroom windowsill, eight feet directly below. The neighbor of course was away for the month, so there was this terrified thirty pound cat on a ledge the size of Snickers bar a hundred and fifty feet in the air.____ We took apart one of the bookshelves so we had an L shaped scoop, and Mickey stuck it out the window toward the cat but it was about two feet short. She figured that if I grabbed onto her legs, she could lean over just enough to get it even with the ledge. So there she is fourteen floors up, trying to convince this poor terrified cat to walk over onto the board. Come on baby! Come on baby! You can do it! and at the same time shes pleading, Hold my legs! Hold my legs! This goes on for like a half hour, over and over again louder and louder.
____Mickey finally forced the board underneath the cat's belly and pulled him back in the window. But the kicker came the next morning when she was riding the elevator down with the gay couple from upstairs. They just smirked at her and said,
____ Wow! Somebody had a good time last night.

And thank you for those pics! When I read the first one, I didnt have my glasses on and I thought it said cheese...I love cheese so much..that I just might take the cheese over the sex!
I keed I keed.... NEVER would i do that!
huge kiss