A new deployment, a new pile of shit to deal with. I have only been here for a month and all ready there are BIG problems. Just before I reached my final destination, we had three big accidents and a week after being here, a huge fight broke out between two of our most needed and knowledgeable assets. Several things to throw out there:
1: My big plans for leave have been fucked-up by my command and so I now have to try to make the best of it and continue to San Padre Island for Spring Break. Nivooldoog will hopefully be meeting me down there.
2: The Army is screwing me outta money and I am fighting it tooth and fucking nail, pissing off all competers that deny me my compensation.
3: I have weird taste in music and one type that I particulay like is cover song of songs I like. I bought the new Nightmare Before Christmas CD and was throughly annoyed with it. There were a couple good songs like Korn's "Kidnap the Sandy Claws" or Amy Lee's "Sally's Song". Most were crap and felt forced to just make the buck. Plain White T's, All-American Rejects are a few who ruined my favorite songs and I felt whored by it. Just empty and beatien with used rubbers.
I have had a few good laughs as of recently, heard about a remake of Rocky Horror Picture show by MTV. So we know that now a cult classic can be destroyed, by the commeralized success of MTV. Although I am interiged by it, just knowing it's going to be horrible and watching it go down in flames, might perk up my esteem and help the younger generation that MTV has been shit for the last 10 years.
1: My big plans for leave have been fucked-up by my command and so I now have to try to make the best of it and continue to San Padre Island for Spring Break. Nivooldoog will hopefully be meeting me down there.
2: The Army is screwing me outta money and I am fighting it tooth and fucking nail, pissing off all competers that deny me my compensation.
3: I have weird taste in music and one type that I particulay like is cover song of songs I like. I bought the new Nightmare Before Christmas CD and was throughly annoyed with it. There were a couple good songs like Korn's "Kidnap the Sandy Claws" or Amy Lee's "Sally's Song". Most were crap and felt forced to just make the buck. Plain White T's, All-American Rejects are a few who ruined my favorite songs and I felt whored by it. Just empty and beatien with used rubbers.
I have had a few good laughs as of recently, heard about a remake of Rocky Horror Picture show by MTV. So we know that now a cult classic can be destroyed, by the commeralized success of MTV. Although I am interiged by it, just knowing it's going to be horrible and watching it go down in flames, might perk up my esteem and help the younger generation that MTV has been shit for the last 10 years.
I'll show you Karma you Mr. Koolaid look alike, bull testicle licking douche bag. lol. you hear Tommy and I made the list for E5 for Nov. 1st.
we got our five