I procrastinate way too much, because I have been wanting to blog for so long but have just not found the right topic to post. I'm sorry that is such a horrible lie, I come up with great things to post. It's just I never have any paper to write them down so I have to convince myself that are not good at all. I'm just lazy! Tonight through, God gave me a proverbial bitch-slap and made me get off my ass and write tonight.
I love to drive, mostly at night, but the thing that irritates the fuck outta me the most is people driving with their brights right behind you. It's like the purposely are trying to blind you and make you crash. I had one guy tonight tailgating me with his brights on Kunia. I wished I had a hammer to toss into his windshield and bust his face wide open. To escape this god fearing light, I sped down the road at 80 miles an hour to get away till his lights were almost gone. When I went over a hill, it was really nice and dark for a few seconds till he came over. Just to give the illusion of the event, when he came over the hill, I thought that the sun was coming out. That cocksucker and his "xenon" headlights made me hope that he crashes, becomes a paraplegic and have to ride the bus for the rest of his life.
Later, while coming on post, I watched as a man got arrested by the MP's right outside the precinct. Guns drawn, guys screaming! I wonder what he did, flip off a patrol car?
I love to drive, mostly at night, but the thing that irritates the fuck outta me the most is people driving with their brights right behind you. It's like the purposely are trying to blind you and make you crash. I had one guy tonight tailgating me with his brights on Kunia. I wished I had a hammer to toss into his windshield and bust his face wide open. To escape this god fearing light, I sped down the road at 80 miles an hour to get away till his lights were almost gone. When I went over a hill, it was really nice and dark for a few seconds till he came over. Just to give the illusion of the event, when he came over the hill, I thought that the sun was coming out. That cocksucker and his "xenon" headlights made me hope that he crashes, becomes a paraplegic and have to ride the bus for the rest of his life.
Later, while coming on post, I watched as a man got arrested by the MP's right outside the precinct. Guns drawn, guys screaming! I wonder what he did, flip off a patrol car?
Fuck you dog... The wheelies on the bus slow MY ride down... dick...
nope...it's a dead mouse