I saw Sin City on Sunday and I recommend it to anyone with any taste for Noir, dark comics, violence, and any combination of them. The visuals were stunning, the story was great, the casting was almost perfect and my chair was comfy. I ended up going to see it alone, so the company was great too.
I'm moving into a new place this month. Moving in with the two people I'm starting this band with. That should make it very difficult for any of us to make excuses not to practice. Hopefully we'll get this thing on it's feet soon and play some shows before too long.
I'm moving into a new place this month. Moving in with the two people I'm starting this band with. That should make it very difficult for any of us to make excuses not to practice. Hopefully we'll get this thing on it's feet soon and play some shows before too long.
ooooooooooooooooooo wipe out!!!
yeah, i live with 2 out 3 of my bandmates, progress has been slow but i think all the time put in will help in the long run.................good luck to you all and say hi to Zero for me!!!