This is Rascal.
Rascal is 6 years old.
Rascal is a 30 lb black and tan beagle.
Rascal is house-trained. Completely.
Rascal does not chew on shoes or furniture.
Rascal is very, very affectionate. Yes. He will spoon with you.
Rascal loves to cuddle.
Rascal loves kids and other dogs.
Rascal needs a home in Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware. He is the innocent victim of a divorce (and a no-pets clause in his owner's lease). He will become essentially homeless in mid-March. It breaks my heart.
I really want him to be with someone who really wants a great dog.
I am offering to pay for his vet bills for the rest of his life. I just want him to be safe and loved.
E-mail me at:
if you are interested in adopting him. He really is an amazing dog.
This is Rascal.
Rascal is 6 years old.
Rascal is a 30 lb black and tan beagle.
Rascal is house-trained. Completely.
Rascal does not chew on shoes or furniture.
Rascal is very, very affectionate. Yes. He will spoon with you.
Rascal loves to cuddle.
Rascal loves kids and other dogs.
Rascal needs a home in Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware. He is the innocent victim of a divorce (and a no-pets clause in his owner's lease). He will become essentially homeless in mid-March. It breaks my heart.
I really want him to be with someone who really wants a great dog.
I am offering to pay for his vet bills for the rest of his life. I just want him to be safe and loved.
E-mail me at:
if you are interested in adopting him. He really is an amazing dog.