INVENTORY - Sat. July 10th, Year of The Lords 16
Fell asleep downloading the New Order album 'Brotherhood' sometime around 3 AM. Woke up at 7:30 (I fucking hate internal biological clocks! Traitors!!!)
Craved another burrito. Purchased and consumed another burrito. Burrito was delicious. (Note: burrito was vegetarian curry burrito).
Last Evenings' Activities?
Saw 'Anchorman' - I love Will Ferell, and Steve Carell was hysterical! Ate a bug.
Any suicidal thoughts?
Nope. Wait, let me check to see if we have any in the back. Sorry, but can we special order it for you?
Medication issues?
I loves me the little yellow ones!
Plans for tonight?
Fuck if I know. Definitely going out, definitely having some Redbull and Vodka. Hells yeah.
Goals for tomorrow?
Hike around Valley Forge park, construct monument of C2 cans in honor of Danielle, and also Blyss ... and ME - a giant tower of aluminum cans dedicated to Johnny!
Oh! and I'm going to Death by Chocolate this Tuesday.
Cholcolate, Vodka and a DJ. Oh yeah, stir the pot! oh yeah, reel the fish in.
Quote for the day:
Those who can't find anything to live for,
Always invent something to die for.
Then they want the rest of us to die
for it too.
(Lew Welch - 'The Basic Con')
Fell asleep downloading the New Order album 'Brotherhood' sometime around 3 AM. Woke up at 7:30 (I fucking hate internal biological clocks! Traitors!!!)
Craved another burrito. Purchased and consumed another burrito. Burrito was delicious. (Note: burrito was vegetarian curry burrito).
Last Evenings' Activities?
Saw 'Anchorman' - I love Will Ferell, and Steve Carell was hysterical! Ate a bug.
Any suicidal thoughts?
Nope. Wait, let me check to see if we have any in the back. Sorry, but can we special order it for you?
Medication issues?
I loves me the little yellow ones!
Plans for tonight?
Fuck if I know. Definitely going out, definitely having some Redbull and Vodka. Hells yeah.
Goals for tomorrow?
Hike around Valley Forge park, construct monument of C2 cans in honor of Danielle, and also Blyss ... and ME - a giant tower of aluminum cans dedicated to Johnny!
Oh! and I'm going to Death by Chocolate this Tuesday.
Cholcolate, Vodka and a DJ. Oh yeah, stir the pot! oh yeah, reel the fish in.
Quote for the day:
Those who can't find anything to live for,
Always invent something to die for.
Then they want the rest of us to die
for it too.
(Lew Welch - 'The Basic Con')
never enough
nothing but fruit and burritos today. oh and string bean salad.
Last Evenings' Activities?
small amounts of debauchery and random occurences.
Any suicidal thoughts?
not since i was 15.
Medication issues?
forgot my multivitamin today...and i'm out of zyrtec.
Plans for tonight?
Goals for tomorrow?
get the car cleaned. what a dirty mess.
Have woken up too early - am very disgruntled.
None. Ate WAY too much pizza last night.
Last Evening's Activities?
Aforementioned pizza, smooching and DVD's.
Any Suicidal Thoughts?
Not for a while.
Medication Issues?
Remembering what to take and when!
Plans for tonight?
Anything that doesn't involve moving
Goals for tomorrow?
Tidying and getting better at Athens 2004 on the PS2