They finally released this on DVD... ("they" being the DVD gods)
sweet! I just bought it
I was going to fill in my dating profile, I'm just too lazy though,
oh well, I suppose I'm not really looking right now. I was just going to do it for fun. I've got the coolest girl ever anyways
Speaking of which, it's becoming more apparent that raven haired women have complete control over me...
What's up with that? Just look at my favorite SGs. You could probably trace it back to my childhood, that's what they say about everything, right? I think it goes even further back then that though.
I talked to an old friend today, I wish I saw him more often. I guess that's life though...
sweet! I just bought it
I was going to fill in my dating profile, I'm just too lazy though,
Speaking of which, it's becoming more apparent that raven haired women have complete control over me...
I talked to an old friend today, I wish I saw him more often. I guess that's life though...
Raven haired and me both brother.