I can only assume it's me Stormy misses...

I got to see the Beastie Boys at Long Beach Arena. That was sweet. I didn't have to pay 1 nickel! (one of the perks of working at an established LA club, free tickets!!)
My band got called to fill in for another band on Saturday. We played just for fun, we didn't really promote it or anything. It was cool, the other bands were soooo bad it made us look good. haha

I'm going up to Lake Tahoe this weekend. My dad is adding on a couple rooms to our place up there, I'm gonna go see how it's going. (hey, I did work in construction for about 8 years, I kind of know what I'm talking about!

I was talking to my friend who lives in Florida now....I wish she was closer

Alright, I'm gonna go see what all my friends on here are up to.
You can go ahead and bask in the beauty that is Stormy

Flying on through space upon the sun
You can almost feel her come undone
Leave an empty place where you begun
Space for everyone...
(the first verse of my new song)
Oh yeah, I uploaded a new picture. A friend saw it and said I HAD to put it up. It's pretty good.

i love seeing a concert for free, especially a band you really like

Lies, all lies!!!