So, I think I have a job at the Viper Room. That's pretty cool. I'll be working for the booking agent. Another step in my quest to meet Johnny Depp....
I signed off on the final art proofs for my bands 6 song EP. It should be ready in another week and a half or so.
It's hot as a bitch in LA here. I miss Lake Tahoe
I think I need to make another roadie soon.
That's about it, let me make sure our band's website is finished, then I'll post the address.
"I'll wait in Los Angeles
I'll wait in the pouring sun
No way
For not anyone..."
Frank Black's the shit!
:UPDATE: OMG, the Pixies are playing at the Greek Theater here in LA on the 22nd and 23rd of September!!!!! Sweet! I was wondering what they were going to do since they cancelled Lollapalozer. That was there only LA date. Tickets go on sale next Sunday. I already got my tickets to the Bay Area show, but oh well.
You think it would be too much if I went to both LA shows and the Berkeley show?
Yeah, me neither...

I signed off on the final art proofs for my bands 6 song EP. It should be ready in another week and a half or so.
It's hot as a bitch in LA here. I miss Lake Tahoe

That's about it, let me make sure our band's website is finished, then I'll post the address.

"I'll wait in Los Angeles
I'll wait in the pouring sun
No way
For not anyone..."
Frank Black's the shit!
:UPDATE: OMG, the Pixies are playing at the Greek Theater here in LA on the 22nd and 23rd of September!!!!! Sweet! I was wondering what they were going to do since they cancelled Lollapalozer. That was there only LA date. Tickets go on sale next Sunday. I already got my tickets to the Bay Area show, but oh well.

You think it would be too much if I went to both LA shows and the Berkeley show?

seriously, because we did. ha.