I'm reading a biography on one of my idols, Humphery Bogart. It's one of those "tell all" books about his early life on Broadway. I love trashy stuff like this! It's about all of the famous women he slept with, Louise Brooks, Joan Crawford, Marlene Dietrich, the list goes on....and this was before any of them were famous. I knew Bogie was a playa.
I just saw a commerical for the VMA's on MTV. It's being hosted by some little "tweenie" I've never even heard of. I don't know about these little girls, the Mary-Kate's and Hilary Duff's, they all look like 13 year old boys who got into their mommy's makeup. But the best part was when they were naming all the "celebrities" and they say Paris Hilton, like she's some star. I love it! Some untaleted, rich skank with a reality show on Fox (oooo, reality TV, that's fresh) that celebrates her ineptitude...god bless america! She looks so vacant, "we're so pretty, oh so pretty....we're va-cunt!" I can't get into the whole bleach blond, fake orange oompah loompah tan look. Maybe that's why I'm on this site. I prefer my girls pale and raven haired...it doesn't get hotter then that
Since I started on this topic I'll let you in on some more gossip. You learn a lot in LA. I guess it's not really gossip, just some interesting info....just FYI, so next time you think your life is crappy you can rmember this. My friends mom is best friends with the Hilton sisters mom. Of course their mom is just some high priced hooker who was lucky enough to get knocked up by "Mr Hilton" himself. Not once, but twice! woohoo! "we've got a lot of what it takes to get along" So anyways, my friend has hung out with them a couple of times and he told me it's really sad. All they talk about is stuff, who has this, who has that, I bought this, I have to buy that. I was like, "yeah, I bet" He said "no, you don't understand...that's ALL they talk about!" Apparently it changed his whole perspective. He said he'd rather be broke and living on the street then to live their life. Just something to think about....
So that's it. If I sound like a hater then guess what? I am!
Did you ever see that episode of Chapelle's Show with the Playa Hater's Ball? That's me. :looking around the room: "I hate you, I hate you, I don't even know you but I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and nobody else, but you..." Dave Chapelle is great.
I'm taking off tomorrow for San Francisco. I'm gonna visit some friends and go see Prince in concert....I'm excited!!

I just saw a commerical for the VMA's on MTV. It's being hosted by some little "tweenie" I've never even heard of. I don't know about these little girls, the Mary-Kate's and Hilary Duff's, they all look like 13 year old boys who got into their mommy's makeup. But the best part was when they were naming all the "celebrities" and they say Paris Hilton, like she's some star. I love it! Some untaleted, rich skank with a reality show on Fox (oooo, reality TV, that's fresh) that celebrates her ineptitude...god bless america! She looks so vacant, "we're so pretty, oh so pretty....we're va-cunt!" I can't get into the whole bleach blond, fake orange oompah loompah tan look. Maybe that's why I'm on this site. I prefer my girls pale and raven haired...it doesn't get hotter then that

Since I started on this topic I'll let you in on some more gossip. You learn a lot in LA. I guess it's not really gossip, just some interesting info....just FYI, so next time you think your life is crappy you can rmember this. My friends mom is best friends with the Hilton sisters mom. Of course their mom is just some high priced hooker who was lucky enough to get knocked up by "Mr Hilton" himself. Not once, but twice! woohoo! "we've got a lot of what it takes to get along" So anyways, my friend has hung out with them a couple of times and he told me it's really sad. All they talk about is stuff, who has this, who has that, I bought this, I have to buy that. I was like, "yeah, I bet" He said "no, you don't understand...that's ALL they talk about!" Apparently it changed his whole perspective. He said he'd rather be broke and living on the street then to live their life. Just something to think about....
So that's it. If I sound like a hater then guess what? I am!

I'm taking off tomorrow for San Francisco. I'm gonna visit some friends and go see Prince in concert....I'm excited!!
if i ever met paris hilton, i would prolly laugh right in her face. she is an idiot, totally vapid.
hope you have fun at the prince show! i am so jealous