"Christ?" sneers the vicious, fruity old Saint applying pancake from an alabaster bowl..."That cheap ham! You think I'd demean myself to commit a miracle?...That one should have stood in carny...
"'Step right up, Marquesses and Marks, and bring the little Marks too. Good for young and old, man and beast...The one and only legit "Son of Man" will cure a young boys clap with one hand - by contact alone, folks - create marijuana with the other, whilst walking on water and squirting wine out his ass...Now keep your distance, folks, you is subject to be irradiated by the sheer charge of this character.'
"'Step right up, Marquesses and Marks, and bring the little Marks too. Good for young and old, man and beast...The one and only legit "Son of Man" will cure a young boys clap with one hand - by contact alone, folks - create marijuana with the other, whilst walking on water and squirting wine out his ass...Now keep your distance, folks, you is subject to be irradiated by the sheer charge of this character.'