Today was a better day. Well, the last part of it at least. I still had a pretty nasty headache this morning, but I feel better now. Had band rehearsal tonight and that went very well. Worked on a new song called "She's On The 8th" and Pennywise cover for our show on 5.13.05. Good rehearsal. We are finally getting some concepts up for a music video that we will be filiming this summer. Expect something dark....ha! That's all for now.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 12, 2005
Today has been going really crazy. I have gotten so many submissions … -
Sunday Sep 11, 2005
Greetings, The time has come to cast three roles for the "Instead … -
Monday Sep 05, 2005
So I start a new job tomorrow at another insurance company. I have be… -
Thursday Sep 01, 2005
I'm back at SG! I wanted to show my girlfriend, Jackie, some of the h… -
Thursday Jun 09, 2005
What up! I haven't updated this thing in a while. So what is new w… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
I'm bored and working on some ideas for graphic design of the new rec… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
So I am updating my page for a certain someone who is sick of my slac… -
Sunday May 15, 2005
Bored out of my fucking mind on yet another Sunday. I am finding that… -
Thursday May 12, 2005
Haven't updated in a while, so I figured I would now since I am bored… -
Wednesday May 04, 2005
Day 3 without a drink....great! I am trying to stop drinking during t…