Isn't it weird how you put someone behind you for a few days and when you least expect it, they jump right into your life again? So, I have had a thing for this girl that I work with for like a year and half. To make a long story short, I finally got the courage to ask her out in December. We went out for some drinks a few times and to a movie, but the sparks just weren't flying. I decided that I would bail on the situation until today. So we have a meeting at work and who do you think sits down right next to me looking cute as hell? It's her. We make small talk and everything is great. So later in the day, I decide to drop her an email to see if she wants to get together next week. Of course she says yes and here I am again. It's weird, I don't think she is into me, but whenever I want to just forget about her, she shows up. I don't know what to do. I guess we'll see what happens. She is supposed to come to a show I am playing next week as well. Hope she shows up so I can wow her with my stage moves....hehehe. Later.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 12, 2005
Today has been going really crazy. I have gotten so many submissions … -
Sunday Sep 11, 2005
Greetings, The time has come to cast three roles for the "Instead … -
Monday Sep 05, 2005
So I start a new job tomorrow at another insurance company. I have be… -
Thursday Sep 01, 2005
I'm back at SG! I wanted to show my girlfriend, Jackie, some of the h… -
Thursday Jun 09, 2005
What up! I haven't updated this thing in a while. So what is new w… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
I'm bored and working on some ideas for graphic design of the new rec… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
So I am updating my page for a certain someone who is sick of my slac… -
Sunday May 15, 2005
Bored out of my fucking mind on yet another Sunday. I am finding that… -
Thursday May 12, 2005
Haven't updated in a while, so I figured I would now since I am bored… -
Wednesday May 04, 2005
Day 3 without a drink....great! I am trying to stop drinking during t…