The ghost of which leaves a glow and cries unspeakable silence
Left behind in ashes, floating closer to that island
And i float
The waves wash away
Guided by the moon
Misled by the day
The smell of you i long to know and taste of skin when wet
You're floating as well, the ocean carries closer and closer and closer
Sometimes we meet
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Left behind in ashes, floating closer to that island
And i float
The waves wash away
Guided by the moon
Misled by the day
The smell of you i long to know and taste of skin when wet
You're floating as well, the ocean carries closer and closer and closer
Sometimes we meet
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Just watched Zeitgeist for the first time and I don't know what is more disturbing... the apparent truth that our society today is comprised of a bunch of blind sheep living life content on horrendous lies & ignorance OR the fact that since its release in 2007, no progress towards a better understanding of the way we as a culture should function has been realized,...
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agree!!! I actually hate the Zeitgeist movement, eventhough they give some reveling material to think about they left tons of things appart that have more importance on discussing right now!..
PS: Love ink days (L) even more when it's a rainy day!
PS: Love ink days (L) even more when it's a rainy day!
I think the main point is a good one though... true, much of what they portray is focused on theories and such but the truth in todays crippled society is very evident in documentaries such as these. That being said.... i think a revolution is coming sooner than most can imagine. Good vs. Evil!!!! haha
WOW incredible piece it was extreme fun that set with cartoon, is more a preview of what we can do together as we can't upload any Multi until one of us get Pink!

Thank you
and I'm positve pinkness will come soon enough!

killllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the noise in one week!!!! ahh shit
Fucking 30 years old today.... thinking about getting a piercing so any suggestions on where?
Thanks for the bday wishes

Happy Birthday!
And thank you for that link! I was getting so depressed listening to how...contrived their new album sounds (Where's the energy?)
but this video is great lol
And thank you for that link! I was getting so depressed listening to how...contrived their new album sounds (Where's the energy?)